• Consequences •

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"They called themselves 'wolves'?" I said incredulously.

"It doesn't matter what they called them, they're dead," Carol still turned to glare at Morgan.

Rick had returned, and it turned out he had ran into some of these 'Wolves' that Morgan had allowed to live. Even I was angry at Morgan and I barely knew the man. Not only did he free some and them nearly kill Rick, but now the horde had fully surrounded Alexandria. We were stuck.

Morgan looked down, avoiding her glare and I thanked Denise for gluing my cut. It wasn't very deep a cut, it had just bled a lot more than we would have thought. Denise still insisted that it be glued. In fairness, I had pondered the cleanliness of the Wolves' blades so I was glad she cleaned and closed it.

Carol and Rick had brought me to the infirmary whilst Tyreese stayed with Carl and Judith. I didn't mind this time though because my arm was actually in pain.

"Daryl and the others aren't back yet?" I asked after a moment of quietness and Rick shook his head.

"No, but I'm sure they're fine. They'll be redirecting the horde again." He said, but it did nothing to calm my nerves.

I nodded, and Rick came to stand in front of me.

"Hey," he said quietly, and I looked up at him from my seated spot on the bed. He placed his hand on my shoulder gently. "You saved lots of people today, I'm proud of you. Daryl will be back soon."

I nodded, looking down. I had to blink back tears for some reason and I nearly broke down just from the words. 'I'm proud of you.' He moved his hand, taking my own and helping me up off the bed.

"You need to get some sleep."

Rick walked me back home, not speaking much other than to ask how I was, and if anything was worrying me. All that was worrying me though was the well-being of the others; stuck outside of the walls with no way in.

"Goodnight Amelia," Rick patted my head, that still had Tyreese's beanie on and I opened the door to my room.

I paused at the sight of Carl in the middle of the room. My double bed had been pushed towards the corner of the room instead of in the middle of the wall and a single bed was on the other side of the room.

"My dad wants us to be in one space after today, I'm sorry," he apologised.

"No it's fine, I get it, just," I paused awkwardly. "Turn around would you?" I asked.

He nodded, and I grabbed my pyjamas from off the floor and quickly got changed whilst he wasn't looking. I didn't know which bed to get into. Would it be rude if I picked the double bed if it was mine to begin with?

"I'm done," I said.

I stood around awkwardly, waiting for him to get into a bed first. He did, after moving his bag and clothes to a spot. He chose the single bed, so I walked to the double bed.

"When I saw you out there surrounded by those people, I thought you were gonna die too," Carl said quietly from his spot on the bed.

I didn't answer. I felt bad that whilst the Wolves were here, I didn't even think about any of that, just that I had to fight and protect who I could. Alexandria was silent now. It was dark, all the lights off and everyone had pretty much gone mute. My mind wandered back to that woman back at the house.

"I nearly killed one of Carol's friends," I said randomly.

"What?" Carl said.

"Yeah. The blonde one. I guess I went into her house or something to grab a knife when it first started and she scared the shit out of me," I explained. "I don't know if she lived. I left her with the knife so I could try help the others but I haven't seen her since. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

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