• Savoured Moments •

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"I don't know how, but she's part of Negan's people," she practically whispered.

Carl's mind reeled. As far as he knew, Katherine was in a prison in Atlanta; and still was during the Atlanta bombing. How could she possibly be alive? At first he had the idea maybe Amelia was creating things to help with the trauma, but the shock and sadness in her voice was to hard to ignore.

"Is she like him?" He asked.

Amelia shook her head, but then huffed, confused. "I don't know. She never used to be, but now she refuses to even call me her daughter. She seems close to him."

Carl looked at the wall ahead of him, dreading having to tell this to his dad.

"I can try speak to her, get her to join us," Amelia suggested, and Carl nodded.

"Just be safe. Don't put yourself at risk, I can't handle losing you."

Amelia didn't answer. She already felt at risk, 24/7. She didn't know how she was supposed to not put herself at risk. Every time she tried to do the opposite it put her in bad positions. She couldn't even tear her eyes away from the corpse on the floor.

In all of the chaos, Tyreese's beanie stayed clutched in her hands. Her knuckles were turning white from how hard she was squeezing it, as if she was scared it would disappear just as quickly as its owner.

"How's Maggie? And Rosita?" Amelia's broke voice ripped through the silence.

"Worried about you, about Daryl," Carl said.

"That's not what I meant," she mumbled.

Abraham and Glenn meant the world to the two women, and Amelia could still hear Maggie's screams, ripping through her memories as a harsh reminder of what happened.

"Maggie's heartbroken," Carl spoke quietly, listening to Amelia's breathing as he stroked her hair. "Rosita's more angry. She's sad as well, of course. But she's pissed."

They sat in silence for a while. It was a comfortable silence, despite the circumstances. Carl didn't know what to say or ask, even though he had thousands of questions. And Amelia knew that, but she didn't know if she could answer it all.

The door opened, and Negan stood there, Rick awkwardly stood behind him. Negan wasn't smiling his sick, sarcastic smile like he usually was. He just looked down at the pair before removing Lucille from its position over his shoulder.

"C'mon, get lost Grimes," he said stepping to the side.

Carl didn't move; didn't tear his eyes away from the man. He wouldn't be going anywhere, and his mind the fact he thought Negan would even think that a possibility was laughable.

"Carl," Rick warned.

"It's okay Carl. Go," Amelia spoke quietly.

His hand clutched hers for a moment before he left. Anxiety ripped through him. Anger. Guilt. As soon as the door shut, leaving Negan and Amelia alone, he flopped on her side of the bed, kicking his feet up.

"You're staying here."

Amelia's head whipped to look at him.

"What?" Surely she'd misheard him.

"Daryl comes back with me. But you're staying," he said.

"Why?" She asked, turning her body to look at him more.

"Because you're a kid. You need your family. And I don't know or want to know what David did. But you're safer here. I think you're on a bit of a hit list back at the Sanctuary. After what you did."

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