• A Big Storm Coming •

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I didn't know how long we had been walking for but my legs were in agony, as were my arms, that had started to heal slowly. It was boiling, and sweat rolled down everyone's foreheads. Waves of dizziness, nausea and stomach cramps were the most of what I could feel alongside the feeling of emptiness. We were low on food and water and everyone was feeling low from the events that happened a while ago.

It seemed Beth's death had hit everyone hard, even the people who hadn't even met her yet. I was recently told as well of Bob's death and I felt awful for Sasha, who was now grieving. She hadn't spoken much, and had been reckless with her decisions.

There was a bridge ahead, and we all began to make our way to it. Walkers apparently had the same idea, and everyone had to tiredly take care of them. I could see Dad, standing on the sidelines watching everyone else struggle. I pushed one off of the bridge that was making its way to Rosita. I knew she would've been able to handle it but I still felt the need to help where I could. My knife in hand, I kicked another walker's knee, making it fall backwards. It's bone stuck out the back of its knee but I didn't bother thinking about it too much as I let myself fall on top of it, my legs giving out from exhaustion. Using the momentum to my advantage, I plunged my knife into its head, the blood splattering on my hands.

I didn't know if there were any other walkers around as I laid on top of this one for a moment to regain some sort of strength to get back up. I rolled off of it just in time to see the last walker be pushed off of the bridge by Sasha. As I began to bring myself to stand, I saw boots stop in front of me, and a hand in front of me. I looked up, squinting through the sun to see Carl. I gladly took his hand, letting him help me up.

I could feel the aching of where I had been shot and tried my best not to wince, hoping that it hadn't opened up once again. I didn't know at what point my stitches had ripped, but since then I'd just been hoping for the best and made the bleeding stop.

"Are you okay?" Carl's voice rang through my head, and I nodded.

"We need to find food. And water. We're not going to make it much longer out here otherwise."

Rick was exhausted. That much I could tell. Meanwhile Dad looked fine other than the obvious heat getting to him. I could see that he had gained more weight since he had lost it and this confused me as we had no food.

Daryl nodded, stating he was going to go hunting and I watched him start to walk to the tree line before he paused. He turned and looked at me.

"Amelia, you can help, let's go."

Dad's head shot up to look at Daryl, but I nodded and went with him anyway, not wanting to cause a fuss. We walked through the trees and I could hear Tara and Glenn's conversation begin to fade.

I walked close behind Daryl, ignoring the way he'd turn to look at me and back ahead of him as if he thought I would magically disappear otherwise, almost checking that I was still there.

Daryl stopped in his tracks, sitting down against a tree as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I stood there, not knowing really what to do as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"Your dad needs to step up. Can't just stand there while we do all the work."

I nodded, agreeing with him but I knew that nothing would change the way that Dad thought. If he wanted to do nothing then he would do nothing and there was nothing we could do about it. A whole lot of nothing.

"Who did you lose?" The words were soft spoken, which was in contrast to the tone Daryl would normally use.


"Who did you lose? You can't of always been like this, you're like a damn robot or ghost or something. Ya don't smile, ya don't speak. Who did you lose?"

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