Chapter Fifty Three - Cassandra

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Cassandra ~

The next day Xavier flew to L.A. with me, acting as my own personal guard as I gathered things from my apartment and made some last minute arrangements at the office. After much discussion, it was decided that a two week vacation would be long enough to allow Wade to return home and make whatever childish fuss he needed to make while I was out of harms way in Miami.

I explained an abridged, diluted version of what happened to the girls at work and to Mark, keeping them in the loop for their own safety while swallowing every I told you so that Mark could deliver.

I planned on working remotely, but for them to assume I'd be out of pocket for the full two weeks unless there was an emergency.

After tying up loose ends at work, Xavier rose to his feet and took my bag for me as we made our way to a car waiting down stairs.

He was so patient and calm, a powerful force that made me feel safe and confident to move about my life without fearing the monsters who lurked on the outskirts. It was freeing and felt...right.

We met Brayden as our last stop, filling him in on the real story, letting him know every gory detail as my night security guard.

"Holy shit." Brayden said with wide eyes.

Bracing myself for a boastful, I told you so, I was surprised when Brayden reached forward and hugged me tightly - an action that Xavier scowled at but ultimately allowed, knowing it was innocent in nature.

"Don't worry about a fucking thing here. I'll beef up your apartment security and install a few more cameras. I also think you need to add a few more bodies to your payroll. Two isn't gonna cut it." Brayden said with fire in his veins.

"Two is fine." I assured him.

"Listen to him." Xavier grumbled.

"How many then?"

Brayden and Xavier's eyes met and it looked like they agreed before they even spoke.

"Four minimum." Xavier responded with a nod of agreement from Brayden.

"Fine. Four it is. I trust you can handle the interview process?"

"I'm all over it." Brayden responded, still visibly furious at Wade's sick actions.

"Make sure you take a night or two off each week since I'm not here. Take that beautiful wife of yours out on the town."

Xavier rested his hand on the small of my back as we walked to the car, constantly scanning our surroundings with a deep threatening scowl on his face.

"He seems like a good guy." Xavier said in reference to Brayden.

"He is. His wife Sarah is precious as well. Such a sweet family." I added.

"You seem to care about them a lot." 

"I do."

Xavier's smile was proud and perfect, making my stomach do flip flops as we headed back to the airport to hop another flight to Miami. It was a full day of traveling and I was too excited or nervous, or maybe both, to sleep a wink.

We talked the whole flight with Xavier's big booming laugh causing the other passengers to jump occasionally as it rumbled from his chest.

I should have been stressed, I should have been worried about what Wade would do next, I should be worried about leaving work for such a long period of time, I should be worried about staying at one of the Gambino's family homes surrounded by mafia heirs, but I wasn't. I was far from calm, but I was excited, buzzing with anticipation. I didn't have to be anyone there. I could simply exist, and be adored for it.

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