Chapter Seventy - Xavier

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Xavier ~

The next morning Cruz drove us to the airport but Raf was nowhere to be found. He didn't say goodbye to Cassie and I fully understood why...if he said the words then it became real. Raf wasn't good with emotion and he had created an emotional tie to Cassie.

Cruz wrapped Cassie up in his arms and ran his nose up her neck before kissing her on both cheeks and then her forehead.

"Be good little love." He said with a grin.

"I'm always good." She countered.

"Liar." I muttered, giving her a swat on the ass as I grabbed her bags from the trunk.

"I'll do my best."

Cruz was having a difficult time letting her go, so I unloaded our luggage giving them time and space to say goodbyes. Their lips were moving and Cassies head tipped back with laughter at something Cruz had said.

Always equipped with banter to lighten even the saddest goodbyes.

He kissed the tip of her nose then released his hold on her, leaning against the car as we walked up the steps to the plane. Cruz's grin was ever present as he waved us off, looking casual and collected until the cabin door shut behind us.

I watched through one of the windows as my brothers expression changed almost instantly once Cassie was out of sight. His playful energy drained and his smirk dropped into a hard line as he scowled and walked around to the drivers side of the car. There was pain there, and I couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been to drive away from Cassie wondering if it was the last time he'd ever see her.

No wonder Raf didn't come. He can't mask his feelings the way Cruz can.

Cassie claimed a seat right next to me and snuggled against my side as she started to answer countless emails. Her phone rang and buzzed constantly, but she didn't seem fazed or overwhelmed.

"So what's the plan boss?" I asked as I rested my chin on top of her head.

"Brayden is meeting us at the airport. He'll take our bags but I need to head to the office to sign a few things that couldn't be done digitally."

"Mind if I tag along?" I asked unsure if she wanted to keep me separate from her work life.

"Not at all." She said happily without hesitation.

"The girls are going to eat you up."

"Girls?" I asked arching a brow at her.

"I work with primarily women. Women that I trust."

There was so much conviction in Cassies voice, all I could do was smile.

"Can't wait to meet them."

It made sense that Cassie preferred to work with women and I respected the hell out of her for creating a work environment that made her feel safe and comfortable.

When we landed, I helped Cassie down the steps before grabbing our bags, keeping my head on a swivel for any unwanted guests who may have caught wind of her travel arrangements.

Brayden, her security detail, was waiting beside a car with a smile on his face as she rushed forward and gave him a hug.

"You look amazing." He said almost in disbelief as he looked her up and down.

"I feel amazing."

"Seriously Cassie you look really happy." Brayden added. "I'm assuming you had a lot to do with this."

Brayden turned his attention to me and shook my hand.

"I can't take any credit for how good she looks." I wrapped my arm around Cassie's shoulders as I said the words.

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