Chapter seventeen

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"Dawson you know you didn't have to come with me so early" Daniel spoke looking at his daughter as he took out his earbuds

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"Dawson you know you didn't have to come with me so early" Daniel spoke looking at his daughter as he took out his earbuds

"I know Dad but I wanted to go on a run with you" Dawson looked up at her dad while she stretched her legs. "And hey I think someone else is here" Dawson stood up following her dad to the bayard of the Dojo

"Robby?. I guess the early bird catches the wor--" Daniel stopped mid-sentence when he came face to face with Kreese.

"It's a cute little place you got here" Kreese took a cigar and put it to his lips. "Do you teach karate? Or gardening"

"So, this is what it comes to? Breaking and entering?" Daniel scoffs.

"I'm just here to say thank you." Kreese looked at Daline then glanced at Dawson. While taking another smoke from the cigar.

"Thank me for what?" Daniel questioned.

Kreese walked toward Daniel. "Well, taking our weakest soldiers from our ranks. That was kind." Kresse thanked him.

"Soldiers" Daniel scoffed. "They're kids."

"We were all kids, once." Kresse looks Daniel in the eyes. "You may think you got the best of Johnny Lawrence. But I promise you this time I won't let him loose."

"Lose what?" Daniel shook his head confused. "This isn't war."

"Sure it is" Kresse puffs out smoke that came from a cigar. "War never ends. Peace is just...the lull between battles. Did you really think you can attack Cobra Kai and there wouldn't be any consequences?" Kresse smirks walking away but turning around to face the two one more time. "You better home that your students are ready. Because I promise you ours will be. Regards to Mr, Miyagi" Kresse walked away smirking.

"Was that Kresse?" Dawson asked pretending not to know who he is.

"Yep that's the guy" Daniel sighed. "I thought he was dead he was MIA"

"But I know everything will be ok" Dawson sided and hugged her dad.

"Thanks, Daws. You always know how to be positive"Daniel ruffled her hair.

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