Disclaimer / Warning / Note

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Disclaimer :

Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Warning :

This story contains violence, obscenities, bullying, controversial issues, and uncomfortable scenes. If you are easily offended, then better not read this. Read at your own risk.

Note :

Hello! This is my first installment of the Reigns of Vengeance Series. Before, I did not really plan to make it a series since it was a stand-alone at first, but other of my characters are giving me nightmares and my imagination is taking me to the other world... again. I wrote this story on Facebook in 2019 and transferred it here on Wattpad recently. Since this was my first completed story, I started writing this impromptu without thinking about the sequence of the other next stories of the series, haha! 

Before you start, I hope you are all considerate enough for the 'cringe' and 'dramatic' scenes you will encounter along your reading. I was ignorant and reckless when writing this for the first time. Well, I tried revising the whole story, only finding myself getting bored in the middle and thinking that I should let the other original scenes stay. 

For the next stories of the series, I am currently afraid to write them 'cause I might make mistakes, but I don't want to regret not writing my consolidated ideas and story plots in my mind for the other characters' justification and background. Just tell me if something is wrong, or if I wrote inappropriately because I can accommodate any lost reader anytime, of course.

Thank you, guys, and I wish you always well! Mwa, mwa!

                Cover design by:  Valerie


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