Accelerator episode 3

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A/N I asked without really thinking and now that I've thought about it, I'm not going to do any relationships, I apologize. They'll stay a mix between found family/friends. 

3rd pov

Accelerator comes out of the room looking worse somehow, and they all feel a stab of worry, because this idiot is pushing them away somehow, even though they are all in the same room as him, are learning new things about him. Their thoughts trail back to the fact he might've committed suicide and they feel terror, wondering if maybe he's somehow being put back into that mindset. They won't let it happen. 

They eat breakfast, talking quietly, the albino staying out of all of it, and for the first time since they came to the building, instead of taking the couch, he takes the chair on the other side, all alone and with no one near it. Touma wants to go to him, but Yomikawa grabs his arm with a sad look, silently telling him it's a bad idea. Heaven wonders if he let the teen leave too soon, if maybe his mental stability was not as good as he was seeing. After all, he seems to sink into dark thoughts rather easily. They get settled on the couch, Yomikawa, Yoshikawa and Last Order cuddling together, feeling off since Accelerator isn't with them, but they can manage for now. 

Mikoto frowns, wondering how much more the asshole is going to hurt her Sisters, but says nothing for the moment turning to face the screen. Index still wants to know why humans have to be so complicated, because it's obvious - to her at least, with the knowledge she has - that Accelerator just needs a rather firm push into a safe place. Touma agrees with her unknowingly, thinking the albino just needs someone to reach into the darkness he's surrounding himself with and offer him a hand, maybe even a hug. 

The road flying by, a headlight and the familiar sound of an engine. Wind rushing past, windmills still turning, a bridge in the background, before the vehicle comes into view, a motorcycle with two figures on it. Accelerator's in front, helmet covering his head and Esther is behind him, arms wrapped around him, helmet on her head as well, her cloak whipping in the wind. She looks sad, her hair barely moving from the wind getting under the helmet.

"Why are you driving? The entire reason you have the cane is because your leg is weak! You shouldn't be driving, let alone riding a motorcycle!" Heaven sounds so stressed.

"It was the fastest way to get there, I don't know what the fuck you want from me, doc."

"Maybe if you were to actually listen, you'd be recovered already."

"I'm as good as I'm going to fucking get, alright? You think that asshole would've let me out a second before I was done? Besides, this is what I deserve for the things I've done..." The last sentence is a mutter that they probably aren't meant to hear, but is stabs them all, because yeah, he's done some bad things, but he's still a good damn kid. 

The screen goes gray, a warehouse and fence, windmills in the background. The full moon's light from inside the warehouse, color washed out even with it coming through the overhead windows. A chain, a slow view to the shackle cuffed to her foot, obviously trapping her there. A wider look, her familiar form laid out on the ground, before she sits up, the only sound is the clinking of the chains.

In front of her is a man, a white lab coat on him, clearly denoting him as a researcher even with his back turned to her. He turns to face her, a smug grin on his face, revealing the man from before, a sucker in his mouth still, his eyes and face oozing fake sympathy, but only to those familiar with manipulation. He grins widely, eyes small, and lifts a red skull, Esther looking horrified and disturbed, sweat on her face. The sound of the skull hitting the ground is loud, almost like a gunshot, clinking as it rolls.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that?" No one is quite sure how to reply, except perhaps Accelerator and Last Order. 

"That was her stay at the warehouse. At least part of it,  explains Misaka Misaka, unsure how much of that was trauma and how much was reality."

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