Accelerator episode 6

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3rd pov

In the desire to be alone, Accelerator gets off the futon, heading towards a chair across from them, that had appeared from nothing. The table is the only thing between them, as well as a couple of feet, but the albino looks so confused and gives off an air of such uncertainty, they redecide to leave him alone for now. He settles across the chair, legs over one arm and shoulders resting against the other, arms crossed in front of him as a defense mechanism. Yomikawa cuddles Mikoto in his place, though the girl notes that while she feels safe, it's not as safe as she felt in his arms. Last Order cuddles up with Touma, who is trapped in Yoshikawa's lap. Index is confused, but she leans into Heaven's side when he puts an arm around her. Once they're all as comfortable as they're going to get, since none of them truly want to leave Accelerator alone, they return their attention to the screen. 

The mess from the previous attacks, scattered everywhere. A camera embedded in something, the lens adjusting, clearing up to reveal the girl in her pink horror show, the other three still on the no longer operating machine, with Yomikawa standing defense in front of Esther, the girl and the Sister.

"There's only four of'em. But they were able to bring down the tarantula." It's pretty clear this is either a DA member or someone well informed.

"I'm really amazed at how quickly the Anti-Skill are able to gather information on things, because there are some rather hard to find things that they can get their hands on in seconds." Touma says, staring at the screen in a mix of amusement and horror.

"Why do you insist on putting yourself in danger? I know you want to protect people, especially kids, but you need to find a better way, especially against Espers!" Yoshikawa starts lecturing Yomikawa, who does not look like she regrets her actions, but she's certainly sheepish. Accelerator chooses not to comment, though he wonders about maybe helping her train to attack Espers, even if they are kids, because he can replicate a decent amount of abilities and it would leave her safe... as well as the other two if for some reason he were no longer available.

"They were watching the entire time? How interesting. I figure footage like this would be either leaked or hacked in moments and spread across the internet." Heaven states, wondering why that had not happened, because it must mean something happened to either scare the people who tried or they were so horrified but why they saw they chose not too. The only thing that comes to mind is... Heaven turns to the self isolating teen, wonders how the boy will handle this.

"No records of these girls exists in the Esper database." A change of view, the camera showing the black haired girl, the mask girl and the hat girl, all looking perfectly content with the way things are going.

"Why aren't they coming up?" This person is clearly panicked. A closer look at the girl inside(?) the rabbit creation.

"Wait, they aren't in the Esper database...?" Accelerator sits up with a start, staring at the screen in horror, because that means... He covers his mouth with a hand, ignoring the way it shakes, ignoring the other people, trying to swallow down the bile, because the only reason an Esper is not in the database - even he is in the database, as are all level 0's - would be because they were taken right as a baby and the researchers immediately started experimenting, didn't even bother to take the few moments required to enter them.

They're literally experiment babies, Espers who had never known a kind touch or much of the outside world except what they were told and trained to do, which is kill what you're told in order to get money, to buy the things you like. He hadn't known more of them existed - had thought he'd freed and entered all the ones missing from the database - but even that had gone wrong. He wonders why these girls had not been mentioned, but there's nothing he can do about it now.

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