Miley Horan

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Hi! This is my second fanfic, I started one... But I didn't really like it, so I decided to start again from a different angle! I hope you enjoy :$


Hi! My name is Miley. I live in Toronto, Ontario. I wasn't originally born here, but after my brother's singing career took of, my mother decided it would be better for us if we moved. Back then, the famous boy band One Direction (which my brother is in) was only popular in the UK. It has spread now all over the world.

My father left when Niall and I were quite young, and I really wasn't bothered by that. Why would I want someone in my life who would only cause me trouble?

I am now 18 years old, (a year younger then Niall) and I believe it is time for me to move out. My mother just got remarried, and as much as my mother doesn't think so, I still feel like a 'third wheel'. I don't have enough money to move out on my own, so Niall was kind enough to offer a stay with him and the rest of the boys. I am going to get on a plane for the UK in three days. Niall has never told the boys he had a sister, as he is VERY over protective. Here was how our phone call went last night:

Me: hey Niall! Thanks again for letting me stay with you.

Niall: I'm so excited that your coming, are you all ready?

Me: i just have a few things that have to wait for the day of to be packed. Have you told the boys yet?

Niall: hhmmm, well not yet, but I will tomorrow afternoon. I'm just worried about how they will treat you.

Me: Don't worry! I can handle myself around them.

Niall: but you know how Harry gets around girls...

Me: actually, I don't, because I have never met or talked to them!

Niall: okay, the boys are starting to call me, I'll call you tomorrow after I call them.

Me: Alright! I love you Ni!

Niall: Love you to Miles!



Today is the day I promised Ellie I would tell the boys about her coming to stay with us. I was really dreading this, because I had never even told them I had a sister. I am really over protective, and I wouldn't be able to stand it if any of them started to make moves on her.

We just all sat down for lunch, and I knew it was time. I put down my fork, and ran my fingers through my hair.

"So, boys" I started, looking at all of them

"Whats up?" Liam asked, taking a sip of his water.

"I have something really important to tell you." I said biting my lip.

"Well? Out with it mate." Louis said, raising one eyebrow.

I exhaled before I started again.

"A... member of my family..." I chose my words carefully. "Will be coming to stay with us." I added.

"What, your mom is going to come to live here?" Harry laughed.

" sister." I rushed the last part.

All of there faces just got really confused until Zayn broke the sulence.

"You didn't tell us you had a sister!" He said, more comically than angry.

"Oh, well you know... I'm just protective of her is all." I mumbled.

"Sweet! Is she hot?" Harry asked, rubbing his hands together.

I gave them a horrified look.

"This is why I didn't tell you!" I groaned.

"That was rude Harry!" Liam scolded him.

"But I'm sure she is a very nice, respectable girl, and we will treat her as such." He declared.

I gave Liam a smile, but still saw Zayn snicker and louis roll his eyes.

"Well can we at least see a picture?" Harry asked.

I didn't really want to show them. Even though I may be Miley's brother, she was a very beautiful hirl, and boys would fall at her feet. I havn't seen her around boys since I left, and sometimes the thought kept me up at night.

I bit my lip again before finally pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my photos until I found a picture of her. I gave them a warning look before passing the phone off to them. They all had a different expression on their faces, and I didn't like any of them.

Harry smirked, Louis whistled, Zayn wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, and then Liam chuckled before biting his lip.

I snapped the phone away, and shoved it back in my pocket.

"I swear if any of you touch her..."



Yay! First chapter finished :)

I'm going to try not to rush it, because there is nothing worse then a rushed fanfic!!

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