Chapter 37

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"So? How'd you do?" I yawned, sitting up when the boys came in.

"The girls are very...feisty here." Harry smirked.

"My innocent ears!" Louis shrieked, covering his ears and running into the bedroom.

Zayn plopped himself down beside me, and gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"Ew! Your're all sweaty!" I scrunched up my nose at him.

"Is it hot?" He smirked, leaning in to kiss me.

"Well that's my breaking point." Niall shivered then, headed back into the kitchen.

"Stop tormenting the poor boy." Liam rolled his eyes at us and sat down on the other side of me.              "You tired?" He added, letting my head rest on his shoulder.

I meekly nodded, and shimmied myself until i was comfortable, my legs curled up on Zayn's lap, and my head nuzzled into Liam's chest. I let my eyelids droop, and I slipped in and out of sleep, the sound of the TV blurring together.


"Miley! Stop eating all of it!" Harry yelled, shooing my fork from his plate.

"Okay, okay I'm done." I giggled, sitting back on the kitchen table's bench.

Zayn wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and passed me the pop-tart off his plate.

"I wasn't going to eat it anyway." He whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back, gratefully taking it out of his hands.

Zayn rested his hand on my now small bump of a stomach, which he had been doing a lot lately. Just whenever we sat together, he would let it stay there, like he was protecting her. I found it incredibly sweet.

"Do you want to go out today?" He looked down into my eyes.

"Yes! Where are we going?" 

"How about dinner?" He asked.

"that sounds great." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.


"Harreh give it back." I stomped my foot.

"Not until you get me a new chocolate bar! I was going to eat that!" He faught back.

"Well don't just leave it out on the counter!" I screamed.

"Get me a new one!"

"I'm not magic! Give me back that mascara now!" I tried prying it out of his hands.

"No!" He was persistent.

I jumped up on his back, and just as he was about to push me off, I realized.

"You can't push a pregnant girl! You can't push a pregnant girl!" I teased, still latched onto his back.

"Damn it." He mumbled, then reluctantly shoved the bottle to me.

I jumped down from his back and pranced back to the bathroom. I wore the lace dress Zayn had gotten me, and I had loosened the belt to fit my new bump. I felt myself already bonding with my little baby girl, as if I knew her already, like she could see everything that was going on.

"C'mon babe we're going to be late!" Zayn called from the front of the bus.

I finished the last bit of my makeup and headed over to the exit.

"You look gorgeous." He grinned, kissing my cheek.

I blushed and took his hand, as he lead me down the steep steps.

"What on earth happened with you and Harry?" He laughed, as he got in the car and started it.

"Well I may have eaten his chocolate bar, but that didn't mean he should've stolen my mascara!" I huffed.

"You two are ridiculous." He winked.

"So where are we going?" I changed the subject.

"It's a surprise." He pretended to zip his lips closed.

I pouted a bit, then started inspecting my dress. It makes me smile, those were such great times, when we were just starting to sneak around behind Niall's back...I miss them, but I'm even more excited to make new memories with Zayn. I looked down at my feet, which I wore black ballet flats over. I sighed.

"What's wrong Princess?" Zayn asked, worried.

"I'm going to look even shorter then usual, I feel like I'm standing next to a tree when I'm near you. I miss my heals." I complained. 

"Aw princess it's okay, it'll all be worth it." He smiled encouragingly.

I smiled again, looking over at him. Inspecting his every perfect feature.


"That was delicious" I smiled, pulling Zayn's jacket tighter around me.

We just finished having Italian style dinner under the stars, and now we are starting a walk down the boardwalk.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Zayn wrapped his arm around me, keeping me as close to him as possible.

"What's going to happen?" I said in a low voice, watching my feet take each step.

"What are you talking about?" Zayn looked down at me.

"When Tricia is born." I used her name, I felt now like she was already here.

Zayn bit his lip. "I'm not going to let you let your life pass you by if that's what you mean." He spoke up.

"I know you wanted to start University in September, and that'll be when the baby is about one month old. That's where it gets tricky. I love you, and I want more then anything for you to have all the opportunity in the world..." He started to ramble.

"I'll wait. I will take one more year, but you have to make sure I go back. I don't want to be some fortie years old woman with no future."

"Of course not, we'll make this work." He sounded proud.

I sighed. Having a baby with a famous member of One Direction will not be easy.


I know, it's short! Don't kill me X( I will make sure my next update is super long, k lovelies? Thanks :*

Aaannnyyywwaaaaayyy I have a shoutout here for my new homie jaderbug01




So go like, fan and comment like cray cray luff ya people :********

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