Chapter 32

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"It's not funny." I shot him down.

His face dropped, but he didn't say anything. Instead he came and sat on the edge of my bed. I forced myself to do the same, pushing the heavy covers of my legs.

I made sure there was an inch or so between us, I was so angry I couldn't stand the thought of his touch.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"Are you?" I snapped. "Because you certainly don't seem sorry at all."

He rolled his eyes. He freakin rolled his eyes!

"Yes. I am." He gritted his teeth.

"You know what? I'm really not in the mood for this." I shoved him away and stood up, not looking back as I stomped out of the room.

The boys seemed surprised when I came storming out, from their place on the couches.

"What's wr-" Harry started.

I gave him no recognision, I instead took the remote, and switched it to the most mind numbing reality show I could find.

I squished myself inbetween Liam and Hary, not hiding my 'grumpy' expression. Liam and Niall exchanged looks, and I snapped at them.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing?" My eyes narrowed.

"N-nothing." Liam shook his head, and looked a bit scared.

"Hmph." Was all I could muster.

I returned my attention to the stupid show, but it didn't hold me for long.

"Um, Miley we were a watching- ya we were watching a movie, do you maybe mind if we turned it back on maybe?" Harry nervously asked, fiddling with his thumbs.

I burst into tears. Why does everyone have to be on me? Why can't I just watch the reduculous show to get my mind off my idiot boyfriend?

"S-sorry." Harry stammered, warily putting his hand on my back.

I buried my head into the curly haired boy's chest, continueing my sobs. I knew it wasn't him that was bothering me, I really couldn't care less what we watched. I continued on for a while longer, and heard muffled whisperes between the boys.


She's kinda scary. I mean, you can't say anything with out the fear of her slitting your throat. I really didn't want to make her cry, but I don't know, I guess she really didn't want to watch the movie?

She buried her head in my chest, and I looked to the boys for help.

"It's not your fault." Liam whispered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why is she crying then?" I whispered back.

"Because of him." Niall pointed to Zayn who was now standing in the doorway, looking frustrated.

"This is not my fault." Zayn snapped.

Niall abruptly got up, and grabbed Zayn's collar, pullling him back into the bedroom. The door slammed a moment later, and Louis started trying to calm down the girl I had attached to me.


The poor girl. Zayn was being a bloody idiot, so she had every right to be upset. Harry seemed really confused by all this.

I took Miley's hand and made her sit up next to me.

"It's okay." I soothed, holding her hand.

"No it's not!" She sobbed into her free hand.

Miley HoranOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora