Chapter 21

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That boy is an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. He's going to get caught by Niall eventually, then Niall definetly will beat the living shit out of him. Although I suppose I am also an idiot, Louis and I are taking Niall out tonight so Zayn and Miley can have some time without having to worry about Niall. Liam is also staying home, so it doesn't seem suspicious.

"Alright, are you ready?" I asked Niall and Louis.

"Bye Miley, I love you." Niall gave Miley a kiss on the cheek and we headed twords the car.

As much as I found Niall to be very over protective of his sister, I did admire how much he cared for her, and how he stepped up to be the male role model.


Miley and I recovered from our little spat last week, I really just wanted to make sure she was okay with not telling Niall. It's her choice, and I'm fine if she doesn't want to tell him.

"Liam, go away." I sternly told him as soon as I heard their Louis' car pull out of the driveway. I kept my eyes now glued on Miley.

"Zayn! You don't have leave Liam." She giggled and rolled her eyes.

Her laugh was so cute.

"No, I would rather not get a black eye from Zayn. I'll be in my room." Le walked upstairs to his room, shutting the door behind him.

I threw Miley over my shoulder and dropped her on the couch, and sat so I was hovering her.

I leaned in to kiss her, putting my hand behind her neck. We kissed intensly for a few minutes, her being the usual tease.

"I want to tell you something." I broke us apart, sitting back. She did the same, so we were a facing eachother, our knees touching.

I fiddled with the small box in my pocket, becoming nervous. I pulled it out and showed her it, not yet opening it.

"Oh shit Zayn." She became pale.

"No, no! I'm not proposing." I shook my head, laughing somewhat.

She let out a sigh of relief, then clutched her chest where her heart was.

"You scared me." She giggled.

"No, it's something else." I dropped my face to a more serious one.

She nodded to allow me to continue.


When he pulled out the box, I was prepared for a proposal. Much to my relief, he wasn't. Not that I wouldn't want to marry him someday, it's just that I'm only eighteen, and we still havn't even told my brother.

I nodded my head, gesturing to continue.

"When we first started dating, you felt so...different. I've never had a girl make me feel this way. You were more then just someone I liked, it was so much more. I don't know what came over me that night in the club. I regret it everyday. You don't deserve to be treated that way. No one who makes me as happy as you do deserves to be treated that way. When you started to date Ryan, it was like someone was ripping my heart out. I would usually just move on, but I couldn't get myself to. That day when he started to treat you badly I just couldn't hold back my anger. I don't regret what I did at all. I will never let anyone touch you again. You have to tell me if you want to slow our relationship down, because I'm willing to wait a million years for you. I love you Miley, I love you more then anything I've ever loved, and I can't stand the thought of ever loosing you to someone else again."


I finished my speech, and opened the box, revealing an infinity ring. It was made of gold, and had silver studs along the symbol.

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