Chapter 7

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I had spent all evening and last night hiding out in my room. I can't believe Harry told EVERYONE about my feelings twords Zayn. Ugh, why did this have to happen. As much as I didn't want to, it was 9am, and I was starving. I didn't have any food in my room, so I would have to face all the boys. I sighed, and exited my room.

I looked up and down the hallway to see if Zayn or Niall was there, because they would probably be the most awkward to see right now. The cost was clear, so I continued on downstairs to the kitchen. As soon as I entered, I scanned the room to see that all the boys were there. Smirks and winks were traded off between the lot of them, and I blushed.

Grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, I poured my cereal and sat at the end beside Liam.

"Goodmorning." I mumbled.

"You know, last night I came up with the PERFECT name for you two." Louis grinned, pointing between Zayn and I.

Zayn and Niall both shot daggers at him, but Louis continued anyway.

"Ziley! I think it's pretty ingenius." Louis stretched.

Harry and Liam laughed, while Niall Zayn and I sat uncomftorably.

"Well you can keep your names to yourself because it's not going to happen." Zayn snapped at Louis.

I couldn't help but feel hurt. Zayn seemed to be angry just at the thought of being with me. At first I was angry, but it quickly changed to sadness. I fought the tears that pricked at my eyes, taking a sip of water to block myself from the boys. I could tell Niall noticed, because he started running his fingers through his hair.

"Well done asshole." He huffed at Zayn.

Right on cue, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They burst out in a sob, and as much as I tried to dry them, I failed misrably. I pushed back my chair, and sprinted back to my room. I hated crying. It was just so difficult to be the only girl. I hate to admit it, but I sucked at making new friends, and hadn't made any progress since I got here. The boys didn't understand how I felt. I fell back onto my bed, and scrambled over to my pillow. I cried into it, being as quiet as I humanly could. It seemed so childlike...crying over a crush. Just the fact that he wasn't afraid to show his pure digust twords being with me.

"Its not going to happen." The words repeated over in my mind, sending me into more fits of tears.

After what seemed like forever, I ran out of tears. I got up and wandered into my bathroom. Bending over the sink, I splashed cool water on my face. I proceded to dry my face with a hand towel, then placed it back down again. I left the bathroom and returned to te welcoming warmth of my bed. I snuggled up under my covers, and quickly fell back asleep.


"Miles?" An Irish accent awoke me.

"Hey Niall, what time is it?" I questioned, seeing that it was slightly dark out.

"6pm, you fell asleep after breakfast, I don't know how you can sleep so much." He laughed.

Niall was sitting next to me in bed, and held a two bags in his hands.

"What's that?" I asked curiously, pointing to the bags.

"Dinner and ice-cream." He smiled proudly, placing them on my nightstand.

"Oh I love my brother!" I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Niall passed me the Nandos bag, and took my laptop from my desk. He popped a DVD into the side and placed it at the end of my bed.

"What are we watchin?" I asked in between bites.

"Twilight." He smirked, wrapping his arm around me.

This was a routine we were both very used to. While all the girls at school were invited to someone's birthday party, or sleep over, Niall would bring surprise me with treats and a movie.

"Aaww." I cooed, putting the now half empty bag on the floor next to my bed.

"I am the best brother ever." He smirked.

I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as I intently watched my favourite movie. Halfway through, Niall broke out the icecream, and we stopped paying attention to the film. We sat cross legged, facing eachother as we took turns taking bites of our rocky road.

"So what's going on with Zayn and you?" Niall asked, stealing the spoon from me.

"You don't have to do this niall." I mumbled.

"What?" He urged, giving me the spoon.

"You don't have to pretend like your one of my girlfriends." I couldn't help but giggle.

"But I want to know." He pleaded.

I looked up at him from behind my eyelashes. "Are you going to act all brothery and stuff?" I tried to think of a word to describe him over reacting.

"I promise, there will be no freaking out." He smiled.

"Okay, well I do like him." I bit my lip.

"Why?" Niall sounded slightly annoyed.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, go on." He mumbled.

"Well, he's so lovely to talk to. He treats me properly, and never lets me lift a finger...I just feel like a princess around him."

"What about that time you went to the mall?" Niall was good, and held back the comments I know he usually would have made.

"That's just what I'm talking about, he shopped for hours and didn't complaign...he helped me pick out dresses, and carried all my clothes. He even bought me one." I smiled and pointed to the lace dress that hung on the handle outside of my closet.

"Okay, I can see why you like him...but I just get worried for your safety." He fiddled with his fingers.

"Safety?" I asked puzzled.

"Well...just Zayn's rep."

"What rep?" I urged.

"The way he treats girls."

"HOW does he treat girls?" I was starting to become annoyed with Niall's vague answers.

"Before you came to live with us, it seemed to be a different girl every night, I just wouldn't want him to take your inocence, and not take it seriously." He said, and met my gaze for the last part.

I tensed up when he started talking about my 'innocence'. This was definetly not the most fun topic to speak to your brother about.

"Well obviously that wouldn't happen, because he showed his digust twords me this morning." I clenched my jaw.

Niall scoffed. "You think he doesn't want to be with you?" He laughed again.

"He said that because last night we got into a fight, and I was pretty much telling him he couldn't date you because he was an idiot!" Niall laughed.

"Oh..." I was so relieved.

"He was begging me last night to let him date you." Niall rolled his eyes at the memory.

"And you said no?" I clarified.

"Of COURSE I said no!" He said, shocked I would even ask.

"There is NO way." He added, shaking his head furiously.

I huffed at him and crossed my arms.

"You suck." I pouted.



Hi! I wanted to add in some brother-sister time, so there ya go! Vote and Comment! :D

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