Chapter 3

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Louis, Zayn, Liam and I were sitting at the table having breakfast, while Miley and Niall were upstairs sleeping still. It was a gorgeous day out, and we were trying to think of what would be the perfect thing to do today.

"Movie marathon?" Louis suggested.

"No, it's too nice out to stay inside..." Zayn replied.

"Oh! I know! Let's go to that secluded lake area, it has a sandy shore, and a place for a barbeque." I said getting excited.

"That sounds perfect!" Louis said nodding.

"Plus we'll get to see Miley in a bikini." I winked at them.

They all smirked and chuckled.

"You're such a pervert." Liam rolled his eyes at me.

I finished up my cereal, and the boys started to pack the meats and supplies we would need for the barbeque, so I headed upstairs to wake up Miley and Niall. As I came up the stairs, Miley's door was closer so I snuck in there. I layed down next to her angelic sleeping body. It pained me to have to wake her up, and ruin this perfect moment. Her messy hair flowed around her jawline, and her face went with completely no makeup. She looked beautiful just the same.

"Miley." I whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of my hand.

She still lay completely frozen, except for the rise and fall of her hest.

"Miley." I whipered again, and I traced my thumb along her jawline.

Seriously? How heavily could she sleep.

"Miley." This time I spoke louder, and I ran my fingers through her hair.

She began to stir, but only for a moment before she moved and buried her head in the crook of my neck. I lay for a second, enjoying the moment before I knew I had to actually make some progress. I slowly lifted her head up, and once again ran my fingers through her hair.

"C'mon we're going out soon." I spoke in a normal level voice.

Her eyes fluttered open,

"Hhmm?" She muttered, her morning voice making my heart melt.

"You've got to get up." I said, sitting her up.

She rubbed her eyes, then rose to her feet.

"Thanks Harry." She mumbled, before dragging herself to her nathroom.

I smiled to myself, very pleased as I left to go to Niall's room. I laughed, because I knew I wouldn't be nearly as easy in him as I was on Miley.

I threw open his door and walked in. I opened the curtains and let the blaring sun light up the room. I ripped the covers to show Niall on his side in his boxers.

"Oi!" He yelled, his Irish accent blunt and clear.

"Get up! We're going out!" I yelled, then pushed him off the bed.

The last thing I saw was him stumbling off to his bathroom, muttering profanities before I left. I went back over to Miley's room to see if she indeed got up, or just went back to bed. I knocked quietly on the door, but got no reply.

"Miley?" I asked a little louder.

"Ya?" I heard her voice through the door.

"Are you almost ready?"

"Yup, I'll be out in a minute!"

I turned again, and went back to Niall's room, to do the same as I had to miley. I knocked loudly a few times.

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