Chapter 25

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I rolled over and opened my eyes, seeing a messy room, and clothes scatered about the floor. I saw there was a body next to me, and I moved so I was sitting up. I kept the sheets hugged close to me as the figure sat up as well. It was Zayn, his hair a complete tossled mess.

"Did we...." I trailed off.

"Yup." He popped the 'p'.

"Oh man. -no offense." I laughed as I fell back.

"None taken." He rubbed the side of his face.

"What time is it?" I asked, remembering that NIALL lived here too.

"7:30" he mumbled. Slipping on a pair of boxers under the covers.

"I'm gonna go back to bed before Niall wakes up." I hurridely scrambled around, taking his sheet with me.

"Over there." He pointed to a pile of my clothes on the floor.

I smiled and picked them up.

"I love you." He got up and kissed me.

"Love you too." I grinned, returning the kiss.


I was dressed, showered, and ready as I went down the stairs. Everyone was in the kitchen except for Niall.

"Good morning." Zayn got up and kissed me.

"Morning." I smiled up at him.

I was actually now happy about the situation, this proved our love even more.

"Whoa. P.D.A." Louis covered his eyes.

"Sh!" I laughed.

"Niall's still asleep." Zayn said as he got me some breakfast.

"Thank God." I took the plate an sat down next to Harry.

He and Louis kept staring between Zayn and I, then they would giggle and supress laughs.

"Grow up." I snapped as Niall walked in.

"Oh man, my head is killing me." Niall moaned.

I passed him the bottle of asprin I had just taken from.

Once everyone was seated, Liam started,

"So we officially leave to go on tour in ten days!" He said excitedly.

"Wow, already?" I asked, I thought it wasn't for another month.

"Ya, I guess they miscalculated how long it would take to get places or something." Liam shrugged.

What I wasn't looking forward to about this trip was not getting to spend time with Zayn. We would be in a tour bus together constantly, and would never have time alone.


"Miles, pass me the remote." Niall groaned from the couch.

"Get yourself, I'm busy." I replied from the kitchen.

"Fine..." He started to grumble.

I was in fact not really busy at all. I was texting Zayn as I sat on the kitchen counter. He was only on the other side of the room, but we didn't want anyone to hear us talking. It was just normal couply cute texts, which I absolutely love. We were happily texting away for at least another hour.



I know, I know, it was really short, but I'm updating soon! Thanks lovelies :*

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