Chapter 33

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I rolled out of bed, and lazily went to enter the kitchen, as everyone else was up.

"Hey what's for breakfast?" I asked strolling in.

Then the smell hit me. Eggs. I held back the vomit as I ran off to the bathroom. Ew. The doctor told me about this, I should now be experiencing heavy cravings, what's happening now, soreness, fatigue, and constant sickness.

After a moment of being in the bathroom, Zayn was already there.

"Are you okay?" He rubbed my shoulders once I was finished.

"The. Smell." I scrunched up my nose and shook my head, even the thought of it made me sick.

"Okay, brush your teeth and get ready, we can go out for breakfast." He gave me a smile, then turned and left back out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, closing the door behind him.

I did as he said, thourougly brushing my teeth, and changing into yoga pants and a loose PINK top. We were now in the United States, and we were stopped for the day. The boys had a concert tonight, but didn't leave until 3pm. Once I finished, I held my breath and stomped through the kitchen, waving goodbye to the four other boys who looked quite sorry.

I met Zayn outside and took in a breath of fresh air.

"You look nice." He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thanks for getting me out of there!" I sighed, leaning a bit of weight into him.

You could tell the quitting has gotten to him a little. It's only been one day, but he was acting a tad nervous. As we were walking, my phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out and giggled at what I saw.

"What is it?" Zayn inquired, looking over.

I pointed the screen at him,

' Sorry.




'It was Harry's fault!


'It was Louis' fault!


He chuckled too, those boys were so cute.

"So are you doing okay?" I asked him when we stopped at a starbucks, sitting down at the outdoor patio.

He sighed, and rubbed his eyes.

"As okay as I think this can get. It's just so hard not to just take one, it seems like much less of a big deal when your craving it."

"Your so great." I smiled, giving him a kiss.

"I'll go get our stuff, what would you like?" He stood up abruptly.

", a frozen cappachino with rasberry syrup mixed in, caramel bits too! And see if they'll put the whip cream on top, oh! And if they say yes, make sure they put the chocolate drizzle on top of that. And one of those dark chocolate caramel oat bars." I nodded hungrily.

He laughed at me, shaking his head as he walked inside. Well, if I'm at Starbucks anyway, I mught as well get what I'm craving!

I took the oppurtunity to reply to all of the boys, so I sent a group message.

'To: Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis

That's okay you didn't know :) , and Harry and Louis stop blaming each other!

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