Chapter 5

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"Please Niall." I begged the blonde boy.

We were sitting in the living room, watching TV, while Miley was out getting groceries.

"For the last time, NO!" He replied sternly.

"Just one date, please." I pleaded with him.

"There is no way I'm letting you go out with my sister." He said, turning his head to meet my gaze.

"But Niall, why not?"

"I know what you're like with girls." He shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked desperately.

"I'm not okay with you taking her out just to get in her pants." He huffed.

"No, she's different, I swear."

"You know what? Fine. But you can't kiss her, or touch her, or even look at her weirdly." He finally gave up.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I grinned, then tackled him in a hug.

"Get offf." He moaned, rolling his eyes.

Just then I heard the familiar click from the front door, and it soon after flew open. I got up and ran to meet Miley, and help her with the bags.

"Hey Harry." She smiled, as she passed me half the load.

"Take these to the kitchen counter, and I'll put them away." She added, pointing in that direction.

"Okay, thanks love." I said back, trying to sound confident.

Once we were in the kitchen, I started helping her put away the purchases.

"So Miley, um, I had something to ask you." I said, as I placed the milk in the fridge.

"Whats up?" She asked whilst opening up the freezer.

I caught her wrist, so she looked up at me, then dropped it back down again.

"Do you maybe want to... Go out with me tonight?" I asked nervously.

Miley's face dropped, and she held her lip in between her teeth.

"Um...well, no." She mumbled, giving me an apologetic look.

I heard a gasp from the doorway, and when I looked up I saw Louis with his hand covering his mouth. I ignored him and continued on with Miley.

"W-what?" I stuttered, extremely confused.

"No, I'm sorry Harry." She said, once again biting her lip.

"Why not?" I asked, getting slightly one has ever said no to me like that before.

"Harry, please stop." She whispered, giving me a warning look.

My jaw clenched, and I looked up to see every member of One Direction staring at us in shock.

"Shit." I mumbled, then stalked off to my room.


I heard a door slam, and I covered my face with my hands. Why did Harry have to do that? I was content with our relationship before. I really didn't have feelings tword him, and honestly didn't want to date my brothers friend if I wasn't one hundred percent into it.

I dropped my hands to my sides, and let my eyes wonder to Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall standing there in shock.

"Did someone just turn down THE Harry Styles!?" Louis teased, a smile pulling at his lips.

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