Chapter 4

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It has been a full week since I moved in with the boys, and I really love it. Everyone is so nice and accepting, although Niall is always really strict with them when it comes to me, which is pretty annoying.

Zayn is so sweet to me, and I'm always blushing around him. I don't really know how I feel about him, and I really hope I don't like him, because it's not like we would be able to pursue it. Harry is always very flirtatious, much to Niall's dislike.

"Morning everyone!" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

They all looked up at from there breakfast, to see me in my black leggings and hoodie.

"Morning Miley." Niall said in between bites.

I sat down, and started,

"So who will be my shopping mule today?" I asked giving them a sweet smile.

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked.

"I havn't been to the mall in a week and a half! I feel so deprived! And I don't have anyone to go with..." I replied, looking around the table.

"I'll-" Harry started.

"I'll go!" Zayn practically shouted.

Harry gave him a dirty look.

"When are we going love?" Zayn smiled warmly at me.

"Lets go now before the rush." I said, checking my watch.

Zayn dumped his bowl in the sink, then grabbed his keys.

"Your carriage awaits m'lady." He laughed, taking my hand.

As we were just leaving, Niall rushed to the door.

"Um, Zayn?" He said, pulling him to the side.

Alrhough Niall thought they were out of earshot, I could still hear them perfectly.

"No... Just no... Just don't, you know... touch her, okay?" Niall whispered.

"I'm pretty sure I can touch her, but don't worry." He scoffed back at him.

Niall just narrowed his eyes at him before finally releasing him from his grip.

"Let's go!" I urged, taking Zayn's hand and leaving the house.

"Bye!" Niall warily waved at us, just as we were pulling out of the driveway.

After a minute of driving, Zayn broke he silence.

"So how about twenty questions?" He smiled, glancing at me.

"Ooh yay! I love this game.." I started.

"Great, I'll ask you first." He said.

"Okay, I'm ready." I laughed.

"Full name?"

"Miley Elizabeth Horan."

"Favourite colour?"



"Two, the last one ended with Niall beating the crap out of him." I grimaced, but then still laughed anyway, Niall was so over protective.

"Um... Tatoos?"

"Oh man... Don't tell Niall, but I have an infity sign on my hip." I said, then covered my face with my hands.

"Are you serious?!" Zayn laughed, surprised.

"Ugh, I don't even want to talk about it." I chuckled then rolled my eyes.

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