Chapter 28

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Zayn was so excited for the tour. I was, but everything with Niall kind of put a damper on things. It was an awkward car ride to where the bus started, at least our suitcases were already there so we didn't have to lug those around.

"C'mon!" Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of our group, and up the steps of the giant bus.

"Zayn!" I giggled.

"Okay, so here's the kitchen and eating area. He showed me the first part of the bus. After the small kitchen there was a door that led to what looked like a living room.

"This is where we play video games and watch TV and stuff." He pointed to the couch and huge flat screen TV mounted on the wall across from it.

"And in the back is where the bathroom and beds are."

He brought me into the last room that had six bunk beds attached to the wall, eachone having it's own curtain.

"Wait, one bathroom?!" I almost shrieked.

"Ya.." He bit his lip.

"Yay,one bathroom, five guys, then me." I teased.

"Oh suck it up, you'll be fine!" He laughed and we went back in to the kitchen where everyone else was sitting at the table, which was more of a booth, with a circular table in the centre.

"Having fun?" Niall stiffly asked.

I sighed and sat next to Harry.

"Niall, chill." I rolled my eyes.

"Hmph." Was all the reply I got.

"So when's you're first concert?" I asked them.

"In two days, we'll play from 7-10, but we'll probably leave here at like 3" liam told me.

"Can I come?" I wasn't sure whether I would end up wanting to go.

"If you want, it might be a bit boring for you though." He chuckled.

"Ya I'll think about it." I shrugged.

"What do you wanna do?" Louis asked us all.

"Can you guys teach me COD or Black pops or Halo, whatever it is you seemed so interested in?"

"It'a Black Ops." Harry narrowed his eyes at me.

"Okay, okay, whatever...can you teach me?" I begged. Well if I was going to be stuck on a bus with these five, I might as well learn a thing or two.

"Ya sure." Niall got up and headed to the living room.

He set up the Xbox360 and handed out the controllers.

"You can share with me." Zayn smiled, there were only five.

I smiled and nodded.

"No, I'll just watch, you can come sit beside me Miley." Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me over to where he was sitting.

Wow, way to kill the moment Niall.

He handed me the contoller, and showed me which button did which while Louis turned on Call of Duty.

"Um Niall do you mind if I sit by Zayn?" I asked, I mean reallly, he obviously just made me come over here so I wasn't neear him.

He sighed and got up, allowing me to go sit beside Zayn.

'Sorry' I mouthed to him.

He grinned in return, kissing my cheek when Niall wasn't looking.

"Okay, it's all set up!" Louis announced as he cued in each player.

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