Zayn's Proposal

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Zayn and I have been officially living in our gorgeous new home for two weeks now. I loved everything about it, but to be honest I could be living in a tent as long as I had him. The morning sun was starting to shine too brightly to continue sleeping, so I lazily rolled over.

Instead of the usual groggy looking man I would usually see, there was a small sticky note. 


Go to the kitchen, I have a surprise for you!

I love you,


I 'awed' to myself, remembering all the little notes he would leave me when we were first dating. I jumped out of bed, then leaned down and pulled the familiar shoe box out from underneath. I opened it up and popped the note inside. I took it with me as I traveled downstairs in my sweats and one of Zayn's t-shirts, my hair still up in a messy bun. 

I was definitely not tired anymore, excitement filled me instead. I entered into the kitchen, and saw a rose in a vase. There was once again a small sticky note attached to it. I sprinted over and took it off.


I think you might like the new addition to your

bracelet, it's in the top drawer next to the fridge.

I love you.


I grinned, placing the note into the box, leaving it on the counter. I then took the few steps to the drawer, carefully pulling it open. Inside I found my bracelet, but now there was another addition. I picked it up and looked closely. It was a heart, with the word 'love' engraved into the front. I noticed a tiny hing on the left side, indicating it opened.

I carefully used my thumb nail to open it up, revealing a picture of me kissing Zayn's cheek, and him only looking to me, not even noticing the camera. On the other side, was today's date in numbers. I looked to it quizzically.

"It's the day I propose." I heard a Bradford voice behind me. My breath hitched and I turned around.

He wore a smug smile, proud of his thoughtfulness. "Oh my God." I whispered, feeling tears form.

He wore a blazer, with a white v-neck underneath. He had black skinny jeans to go with it, his hair slightly tousled. Before I had any time to freak out, He got down on one knee.

"Miley, don't cry yet, wait another minute." He chuckled, extending out his hand, taking mine.

"I can't help it." I took in sharp breaths in between each word.

"Since we started dating, I didn't care what it took. I wanted to be with you. I still want to be with you, so much I never want to loose you." He started, making silent tears start to stream down my face. I shakily placed the bracelet on the counter behind me, holding onto the edge of the marble for grip with my right hand.

"I can't explain how much I love you. I'll do anything. You never have to go through any heart ache again, if you let me love you more. Please Miley." He swallowed. He took a box from his pocket, opening it with one hand, holding out the huge rock. The band was silver, holding a square diamond, and what looked like too many crystals to count lining the top of the band.

"Will you marry me?" His eyes showed excitement.

"Really?" I breathed, the tears making it difficult to talk.

"Positive." His teeth showed in a huge grin.

I nodded my head, "Yes, please." I choked out.

He  slid the ring in place on my fourth finger, it fitting perfectly. I wasted no time in flinging my arms around his neck. He crashed his lips down on mine, slowly standing up.

"I love you so much." I whispered when we pulled away, the tears finally coming to an end.

"I love you more." He took my left hand and looked form the ring to my eyes.

"No one can steal you from me." He added, once again leaning down to kiss me.



Aaaa! Omg someone hold me I can't stop crying :') Please, please, please, please Vote and Comment, this is the officially the END. Thank you all again for being such lovely people, I have never received on word of hate, only lots of encouragement :)

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