Chapter 15

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I was scared. I couldn't believe how terrifying Zayn could turn when I wore something that turned him on. I didn't believe Niall, I thought he was just being overprotective. I want to apologize, but then he would find out that Zayn did this to me, and there is no way they would stay a band.

Liam wanted me to get some sleep, so he took me upstairs.

"Please don't leave." I whispered when he tried to leave my bed.

"Your puting me in an awkward position here Miley." He bit his lip, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I was laying down, but I was too scared to be alone.

"But what if he tries to come near me again?" I whimpered.

"Miley, he's not going to touch you." He placed a peice of hair back behind my ear.

"I don't believe you. I thought that I- that I could- I thought I was falling in love with him." I sobbed.

Liam squeezed his eyes shut.

"Okay." He layed down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thank you so much Liam. I wish I had just listened to Niall in the first place." I whispered.

"Zayn really does love you." He turned so his eyes met mine.

"I don't care anymore." I coldly replied.

"I understand." Liam turned again so he was looking back at the ceiling.

"What's going to happen now? How am I going to live in this house?" I teared up again.

"Now that's where it gets difficult." He sighed

"Just don't involve yourself with him."

"I'm so scared of him. I can only think of those dark eyes he gave me." I closed my eyes.

"No one in this house will ever let him do that to you again." He stroked my hair.

"What am I supposed to tell Niall? If I tell him Zayn did that to me, he'll find out Matt was a fake, then the band will break up because there is no way Niall wouldn't completely beat the shit out of Zayn." I held back the strong tears.

"Just go to sleep Miley, everything will be fine."


That was just a lie. How the hell could everything turn out fine? I hate keeping such a big thing from my brother, and I can't go near Zayn. Not after what he did.

I hugged close to Liam as we went down the stairs in the morning, not daring to leave his side.

"I have to go pee." He awkwardly whispered.

I started to have a mini heart attack that I would be alone where I could see Zayn again.

"No, no please no." I held him tighter.

"Here, I'll get Harry." We walked back up to Harry's room.

"Hey man, do you mind keeping Miley company while I go to the bathroom?" He sarted to jump from one leg to the other.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I felt bad, they had to treat me like a five year old.

"You have every right to be afraid." Harry smiled, and gave me a hug.

When I looked over Liam was already hone. Harry was dressed, and I guessed he was about to go downstairs.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Harry asked, keeping his arm protectively around me.

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