Chapter 12

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"Come on, let's go!" Liam yelled, ushering us all out the door.

We were on our way to the concert, and luckily it was only an hour drive. When we got there we would have to do a sound check, then choose our outfits, then makeup, then lastly, we would perform. It would be a long day, but in the end it's always very rewarding. It's noon now, and the concert isn't until seven tonight, but there is just so much we have to do.

"Is everyone here?" Paul asked from the front seat of the van.

Everyone was indeed her, Miley inbetween Niall and I in the back, and Harry, Louis and Liam in the middle set of seats, while Paul and another security gaurd were in the front.

It was becoming increasingly difficult not to show my affection twords Miley infront of the boys, especially sitting next to her like this. It took all my strength not to wrap my arm around her waist, or pull her onto my lap.

"You should've invited Matt." Niall, nudged Miley with his elbow as the car started.

The rest of the boys started snickering from infront of us, and Miley opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out at first.


"Is everything okay with you two?" He questioned, rubbing circles on her back with his left hand.

"Ya, they're great, he just, um, couldn't make it." She gave him a weak smile.

"So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Niall smiled politely, but I could sense it was difficult for him to keep his cool.

Miley bit her lip, and gave me a glance.

"I-I don't know, we havn't discussed that yet." She became slightly annoyed.

"Well he should grow a pair and ask you." Harry smirked, turning around in his seat, looking at both Miley and I.

"Shut up." Liam elbowed Harry hard in the ribs, forcing him to turn back around.

The rest of the ride I could tell Miley was a little upset, I was planning on asking her soon, I just wasn't sure how she would take it. When we finally arrived there, we all piled out, thankful to not be confined in that awkward van any longer.


"Great job boys, head back stage now for your wardrobe." The announcer said.

We had finally finished the sound check, and it had lasted longer then we anticipated.

"All done?" Miley asked, joining us on our way to the changing room.

"Yup, now you have to help me pick out what to wear." I laughed, guiding her along with the rest of us.

The familiar look of the dressing room made me smile, this was one of the first places we had performed, and it reminded me how lucky we were. There were five seperate racks that had hangers hanging off them, one for each of us. Our stylists and such pick a variety of clothes, and we choose from our sets. I pulled Miley over to mine, and she started flicking through all the options.

"Come here." She waved me over to her side.

"" I asked, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"Stop" She whispered, wrenching herself from my grip.

I completely forgot the boys were there, and luckily when I turned around, Niall had his back to us.

"He can't see." I whispered in her ear, placing a kiss to her jawline.

Her face remained solemn, and she pushed me off her.

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