Chapter 40

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There hasn't been a single moment where Zayn or any of the boys have let me feel self conscious, ever since that night. I am now quite big, and any where we go Zayn seems to always have a protecting arm around me. Tonight was our second night back at the house, and both him and I were resting on my bed. I wasn't able to sleep at all, so he was staying up with me, singing to me and just...talking.

I was sat between his legs, my back against his chest and his arms wrapped around me, his hands placed over my stomach. He was trying his best to stay awake, but it was 4:00am. I heard him snore ever so slightly, and when I looked up his eyes were closed, his mouth parted. I let out a chuckle and nuzzled my face deeper into his chest.

I have never been more happy to be in my own bed, that bus was not what any one would call comfortable. Now I had my own space and room, and I didn't feel claustrophobic at all. I replayed the last few months over in my head.

Three and a half months ago, I found out I was pregnant with Zayn Malik's baby.

I told Niall and he was very angry.

We went on that blasted tour bus, and Niall eventually warmed up to us when he saw we loved each other.

I found out we were having a little baby girl, and I saw how happy Zayn was.

I met my father, and havn't heard from him since, much to Niall's liking.

Zayn promised to take a break once the baby was born, for a whole year.

This was how I knew Zayn wouldn't be like my father. He wasn't a coward, he was brave and kind, he would never do anything like that. I am actually excited for the baby to be born. I can start a family with the man I love. After that first year of us both being free to take care of her, I will start University, and Zayn will work, but won't go on tour. We'll still be able to have lots of family time, but there will be  a caretaker to help for the times neither of us are able to be there.

A smile stayed lightly in place as I let my eyes droop, not sleeping, but enjoying my lovely boyfriends company and thoughts of the future fill my mind.



Today was the day of the final confirmation for the huge purchase I made. I'm starting to have second thoughts though, am I doing this in the right order? I found a house over tour, and am going today to sign off for it. I still havn't proposed and I hope that Miley will like it.

What if it's too fancy? Will it be nice enough for her? Maybe I should get her to look with, no I should do this. I need to prove how ready I am to have a family with her.

As I saw Miley laughing in the kitchen along with Harry, it only boost my confidence. There is no one in the world I would rather buy a house for.

"You ready?" Niall asked, slipping his arms through his jacket sleeves.

I really wanted Niall to be a part of this, if any one knew Miley more than I did, it was him.

"Yup, let's go." I nodded, grinning.

"We're going out to the store, we'll be back in an hour or so!" Niall's Irish accent stuck out.

"Okay, bye babe." Miley came to where we were by the door, and gave me a quick kiss.

"Bye. I love you." I whispered when I pulled away.

"I love you too." She gave me a cheeky smile.

"C'mon let's go." Niall impatiently muttered.

I chuckled, but turned anyway and walked out into the now chilling weather of London, following him to the car.

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