Chapter 18

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Ryan and I weren't going out to dinner for another like five hours, so we were just playing around on the couch. He was tickling me, and I was laughing my head off

"Sto-stop-it!!" I giggled.

He finally stopped, an leaned down and started kissing me. I hate to sound rude or whatever, but Ryan was getting kind of tiring. I really didn't have feelings for him.

"Stop" I pushed him away. I was planning on breaking up with him now, I didn't want to lead him on any further.

"But why?" He sarted advancing his kisses down my chest.

"Seriously, stop." I pushed him again. What was with me and always being harassed by guys?

"Don't be like that." He hoarsly whispered, grabbing my waist.

"Get off!" I exclaimed. I stood up and pushed him off.

Just then Zayn walked in, and Ryan got up as well and grabbed my butt, and pulled me closer.

"Don't be like that princess." He murmured, loud enough for Zayn to hear.

My breath hitched when he called me 'princess.' That was what Zayn, and Zayn only called me. I didn't care anymore if he may have messed up, I realized now that what I felt with Zayn was love. I loved that boy, and it took me this long to discover how strong that love was. It was far more than 'falling for him.', I was (truly, madly, deeply lol) in love with him.

Zayn came up from behind Ryan and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around.

"Don't call her that." He threw a hard right hook to his face, and Ryan stumbled back a moment. I quickly stepped back and covered my mouth so I was now spectating the entire thing.

"What's it to you!?" Ryan sapt, regaining his confidence. He then shoved Zayn back.

"You know what it is to me." Zayn retorted, shoving him in return. The rest of the boys had come down to see what was going on, and Harry grabbed my waist an pulled me back to join them.

"She's mine back off." Ryan growled, then gave him an even harder punch to the stomach.

Zayn quickly brushed it off.

"I heard her telling you to stop, your the one who needs to back off!" He raised his voice higher, then punched Ryan in the nose.

His head fell to his hands a moment, but he quickly raised it again, wiping off any blood.

"Like you should be talking!" Ryan gave him a left hook to the face.

"Shut up! This is about you now!" Zayn yelled, but before he could hit Ryan again, Niall and Harry grabbed his arms, while Louis and Liam did the same to Ryan.

"Are you kidding me Niall!? Did you see what he was doing to your sister?!" Zayn struggled against their grip.

Ryan didn't struggle nearly as much, and he looked to me for support.

"Get out." I shook my head, pointing twords the door.

Liam and Louis lead him to the door then let him go. Ryan came over to me and slithered his arm around my waist.

"C'mon babe you know you want me." He winked.

I pushed him off me.

"Get out." I raised my hand and slapped him as hard as I could across te face.

Ryan looked at me one last time and shook his head.

"Bitch." He mumbled.

"You can't let him say that!!" Zayn screamed, trying once again to escape from the firm grip Niall and Liam had on him.

Ryan smirked then walked out the door. As soon as the door closed behind him Niall and Harry let go of Zayn.

"What the f*** guys! You can't let him treat her like that!!" He screamed, completely ignoring my exsistance.

"Fighting him wouldn't help anything." Liam calmly replied.

"Well it stopped him from attacking her in the middle of the living room!!" He threw his hands up.

"Look mate, I'm mad too but there's nothing we can do about it now." Niall shook his head.

Zayn looked over to me with pleading eyes. I don't know quite how I feel about what happened. I wasn't over joyed that he started a fist fight with my now EX boyfriend, but I think it's just because I was worried he would get hurt. I wasn't completely ready to forgive Zayn, but I could tell he wasn't going to give up on me anytime soon, and I now know my feelings for him.

I walked up to him and put my hands warily on his shoulders, then let my head fall to his chest. He carfully wrapped his arms around my waist, this was the first touch we have had since that night in the club.

I pulled apart, and inspected his injurys. His knuckles were bleeding, and his lip was all bashed up. I pulled up his shirt slightly and saw a massive bruise on his stomach. I brushed my hand over it and he winced. I let his shirt fall back down and I wiped a bit of blood from his lip. He studied my face, and every action I did, seeing whether I would be mad. I kept my hand on his chin,

"You're such an idiot." I shook my head.

"C'mon, I'll get you cleaned up." I grabbed his hand and started pulling him up the atairs. I heard faint whispers from where the boys were.

I led Zayn to the bathroom, and he sat on the counter. I pulled out the first aid kit and rummaged through it. I took his hand in my left one, and started wiping an alcohal pad over it.

He bit his lip in pain. When I pulled away to throw out the old one and get a new one, he finally spoke.

"I'm so sorry Miley." He whispered.

"For what?" I kept my eyes on my work.

"Everything." He replied.

"I know." I put down the fresh pad and looked up into his sad eyes.

"I know." I repeated.

"Will you forgive me?" He let me clean off his other hand.

"That I don't know." I whispered, letting a tear fall as I continued wiping the remains of blood from his other hand.

"Okay." He whispered.

It was silent for the rest of the time, I wrapped only his right hand in gauze, as it was more serious. I cleaned his lip and that whole area, and put a steri strip across the worst part of the wound.

"Thanks Princess." He murmered in my ear. This once again sent chills down my spine, and I pushed him back.

"Don't call me that, I'm still not ready." I said.

He stared intensly into my eyes a moment,

"I will wait a thousand years for you." He whispered.



Aaawww :') it was definetly time to get rid of Ryan! He was like a totall dirt bag >:(

Zayn is just so cute! I'm super excited for writing the next chapter, its gonna be adorable!

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