Chapter 36

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"No." I refused to let him go.

"Simon will be mad, Miley please." Zayn begged.

We were laying down in bed, and it was quarter to one in the morning. The boys were going back to there room, but I didn't want to let go of my comfortable position with Zayn.

"He can take it out on me then." I grumbled, burying my head deeper in his chest.

"Okay, fine." He sighed.

"Hey! That's my bed too!" Liam complained.

"To bad, go sleep in the other room." I grunted.

"Okay, okay." He sluggishly dragged himself out of the room and down the hall.

Finally content, I asked Harry to turn out the light. This was perfect, the boy I loved was cuddled up to, I was warm, I was full from dinner, and I am beginning to get kind of...excited? For the baby.

"Hey Zayn." I whispered, pulling my head up and laying on the pillow so I was facing him.

"Ya princess?" He cutely replied.

"What do you want to name the baby?" I quizzed, putting his hand on my tummy.

"If it's a girl...I really want to name them Tricia, after my mother." He shyly smiled.

I gasped and put my hand on his cheek.

"You're so perfect." I cooed, giving him a long kiss.

"SHUT UP!!" Harry yelled from across the room, throwing a pillow at us.

I giggled, and cuddled back up to Zayn, as I thought of girl names. Was there a woman I would want to name them after? As i continued in thought, I slowly drifted off to sleep.


***6 DAYS LATER***

"Okay is everyone all packed?" Liam came into our room.

"Yup, now Zayn and I have to go, we'll see you back at the tour bus in maybe two hours?" I looked at my phone.

"Okay, good luck Miley." He gave me a hug, and I kissed his cheek, doing the same to Niall.

Our break was unfortunately finished, but today was the day of our ultra sound! Both Zayn and I are very excited to find out the sex, and we leave in...well we leave now. Zayn took my hand, and we walked out the doors of the hotel, and into his rented car. He opened up 

My door for me, and then went around and got into the drivers seat.

"Nervous?" He asked on the way there.

"No, just excited." I grinned.

Ten minutes later, we pulled up in front of a large whit building.

"After you." Zayn smiled, holding my door.

I got out, and took his hand again as we went up to the front desk.

"Horan." He said to the receptionist.

"Oh, an ultrasound, how exciting! It will just be a couple of minutes." She gave a cheesy smile, and gestured for us to sit in the plastic chairs. I rested my head on Zayn's shoulder as we waited.

"Do how much longer is this tour?" I tried not to sound like I was complaining.

"Don't worry babe, just another month and a half. Then, we will be back in the old house." He smiled.

I really couldn't wait yo go back home, the tour bus is not a very fun place for a pregnant woman. It's cramped, and there's only one bathroom. There's no where to really DO anything. We sat for another couple of minutes, before we were called.

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