Chapter 39

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"I want to come with you, please." I heard Zayn beg Miley form behind me. We were preparing to go, but we would be back late tonight.

"No Zayn you can't." She whispered, and I could hear her lightly crying. I didn't turn around, just pretended I didn't hear them. I think I'm accepting their relationship, and I didn't want to interrupt them.

"What if he hurts you?" He sounded worried.

I quickly turned around, and saw him looking deeply into her eyes, his hand on her growing bump of a stomach.

"He won't hurt her, I promise." I said, walking over. I took MIley's hand, signaling we had to go.

"Okay, call me when it's finished." Zayn pleaded, finally releasing her hand.

"I will." She nodded, then gave him a short kiss.

I quickly pulled her down the steps of the bus, well actually I lifted her down because the steps were too steep and we were always worried she would trip and hurt the baby. We walked over to Lou's car which he was letting us borrow, and both got in. It was a two hour drive, and it would not be fun. As I started onto the highway, I decided to start a conversation.

"How are you and Zayn?" I asked, what else would we talk about? I live with her, I know pretty much everything about her.

"Amazing." She sighed, letting what seemed to be a rare smile lately break through, leaning her head against the window.

"I know I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with him, no matter what." She now was grinning.

"Well, if your happy I'm happy." I declared, I liked this side of me much more now, I'm ready to let her grow up.

That was the end of the the discussion, and for the next hour we sat in comfortable silence. Occasionally I would turn on the radio, or she would text someone, but other than that we sat in silence. I checked the time, and guessed we would be there in about fourty minutes.

"We're almost there, another fourty minutes." I said, sighing.

"I hate that we have to do this. Why can't he just stay out of our life?" She let a tear slide down her cheek.

"Don't tell him you're pregnant, okay?" I made sure she wouldn't.

"Why not?" She looked at me, confused.

"I don't know him, I don't know if he wants to hurt us, or build a relationship. I don't want any reason for him to think he wants to stick around." I shook my head, shivering at the thought of him near me.

"Okay." She nodded, then put her head in her hands. "This is horrible." She murmured.


"Ready?" I asked, putting my arm around her back, locking her in so she couldn't be touched.

"As ready as I can be." She sighed, and we walked into the Agency.

"Hello! You must be Niall and Miley Horan, please come with me." She grinned, then lead us into a room. It was quite large, a conference style one. It had a long table with several chairs lining it. We sat on the side near the window, our expressions not changing form the dreaded ones we wore when we first walked in.

"Robert will be in in a  moment." She turned and left, her heals clicking as she went.

I held MIley's hand under the table, silently praying this was just a bad dream. I was proud of her. She was so strong and brave, she didn't grow up with a father figure, and that's difficult for a teenage girl. I gripped her hand even tighter as the door opened.

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