Chapter 22

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"Yes mom....ya I'm fine!...Niall's, I'm not dating Zayn...I know you like him!...Niall would kill me...okay I have to you to, bye." I hung up the phone and wandered back into the kitchen where everyone was sitting.

My mom will not shut up about how Zayn is such a 'handsome young man'!

I love her to death but she is so nosy. I guess she has seen pictures of the boys and I out, and how well Zayn and I get along.

"Is she still going on about Zayn?" Niall asked as I sat down.

"Ya, I don't know why she is so obsessed with him." I rolled my eyes, sneaking a glance at Zayn.

"It's not like you would ever be allowed to date one of my friends." He scoffed.

Louis supressed a laugh and I shot him a stern look. It was comments like these from Niall tht made me nervous to tell him.

"So do you want to learn some more guitar tonight?" Niall asked me.

"No it's okay, you can be the talented one." I laughed an waved it off.

I tried not to drill on the fact that I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life. The boys were going on tour in about two and a half months, and I would obviously be going with them, so I can't start University. The only plan i have is to start when we get back, but what I want to be is still completely unknown.

"Well we have a recording today, so it looks like your on your own." Liam said.

"Oh...okay. I'll go shopping or something." I sighed.

It was times like these I wish I had other friends then just ones from a famous band.


"Ok, bye!" I waved and shut the door.

They were all gone, so I hurried upstairs to get ready for my day. I wasn't going to buy to much stuff, I just had some spending money from a job I had last year.

I pulled on white jeans and a cozy sweater to match the weather. My hair was down in curls and I had on some brown leather mid calf boots. I grabbed my bag and jacket and was off to the mall.

It wasn't too busy, but there were still lines. I liked it better when Zayn was here too. I went into the first store, but found nothing I liked. By lunch I had gotten a pair of jeans, but that was it. I made my way to the food court, but was stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey babe." I heard the male voice say.

I turned around and saw Ryan.

"Leave me alone." I muttered, trying to continue on my way.

"Where do you think your going?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Ryan, just go away." I struggled against his grip.

"Why do you have to be so difficult." His disgusting voice whispered in my ear.

"Ryan, I will scream in three seconds if you don't let me go."

"Don't be like that." He winked.

"Three..." I warned.

"You wouldn't dare." He gripped me tighter, and I felt a sharp pain in my hip where he held me.

"Two." I chocked out in between the shoots of pain.

"Fine!" He pushed me to the ground, and I landed on my right arm, once again feeling a sharp pain.

"You need to get a life." I spat.

"Bitch." He mumbled, then once again walked away.

Several people walked by and no one stopped, how nice of them. I got up, and quickly took my bag in the hand theat wasn't throbbing and left. I wanted to take my car, but I drove a standard, so there was no way I could use my right arm. It wasn't broken, that's for sure, but I still found it difficult to move.

On my way home in the taxi, I decided that I wouldn't tell the boys. Things would just get all dramatic, and I don't know...I just don't want them to worry. My injurys weren't that bad either, just bad bruises.

By the time I got home I was about 3:30pm, so the boys would be home any minute. I decided to order pizza instead of cooking. Twenty minutes later, I had the food on the table and the boys were walking in the front door.

"Soory we're late." Niall yelled from the front hall, I walked over and greeted them.

It was times like these that made haveing a secret boyfriend is difficult, I want nothing more then to give him a kiss hello.

"I ordered pizza." I told them as I led them all into the kitchen.


We were all just laying around in the living room, watching TV. I was sitting on the sofa inbetween Harry and Zayn.

"This is boring! I have an idea..." Louis got up from the floor and made his way over to me.

Before I knew it, he had fling me over his shoulder, and Harry was tickling me.

"Stop!" I let out a yelp of pain, and the boys stopped, and put me back on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, they all looked confused.

"Oh, nothing...just fell it's kind of bothering me their." I nervously smiled, hoping this would all go away.

"We can tell you're lying, what happened?" Zayn urged.

"I told you, nothing. It's no big deal." I shook my head.

"Miley, don't be like this." Niall said and came up to me. He placed his hand on my arm, and rolled up the sleeve.

"How did this happen?" Harry asked, once everyone saw the horrific bruises.

"When I went to the mall, I just got pushed over, it's fine." I tried to avoid all of there eyes on me.

"Who did it?" Zayn's eyes got darker.

"It was R-Matt." I whispered. I was so glad I remembered about Niall before I said 'ryan'.

"Where else did he hurt you?" Zayn got upset.

Instead of speaking, I shyley pulled up my shirt up to my bellybutton, so they could see the marks on my hips.

"Don't freak out." I whispered.

"How are we supposed to not freak out?!" Niall yelled.

"Please." I closed my eyes.

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"She's right, you need to stay calm about this." Louis sternly told Zayn and Niall.

"Just please don't do anything rash. I'm going to bed." I mumbled the last part, and slowly dragged myself upstairs.

I was so tired from today's events, I just wanted to go to sleep. Maybe when I woke up they would pretend this never happened.



Soooo I really don't like this chapter :P. I'm really excited for some ideas I have, but they have to wait a bit longer :( I'm still having writers block, so bear with me!

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