Chapter 45

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i know it's taking a while, but eli is bout to become more of a main character maybe i'll even add his pov too
Q Grey
"I met Brenda last October. Atlanta, Georgia. It was during the cop convention. She was the planner who decorated the venue." Ha pops explained.

I felt like this shit was weird. Why the hell did I have to be here. This was more of a family drama situation but here I was. A niggas intuition was tellin him, this situation was bout to go far deeper than what it looked like on the surface.

"At the time...we, meaning me and your mother had been at our all time low. I was sleeping on the couch every night for a month straight. We even went a whole week without speaking to each other. And I did everything in my power to try and get through to her but it was was like she was so cold towards me..." He continued. "Anyways. I left for the cop convention and Brenda and I, instantly click. We get to talkin, we exchange numbers because I asked if she could fly out and do your mothers 40th birthday party. But one thing led to another we are. A year later."

By the look on Pri's face, she'd been distraught. Absolutely torn to shreds and I wished there was sum I could do about it at the moment. I ain't never wanna see my girl like that. I only wanted to see ha happy. And in some cases crying when I was fuckin ha good. That was it. But this kinda made me feel bad for joking around and interacting with the lady in the first place. I wunt used to this kind of shit so I tried to lighten the mood with humor.

"So for a whole've been cheating on my mother?" She questioned.

Her dad hung his head low and nodded it. "Yes. I've been cheating on your mother. But Capri...our relationship is pretty much over. There is nothing there anymore. We've been talking about divorcing for a few months now."

"So why not just get it? Why not just spare feelings and stop being sneaky? Why are you bringing a random woman into me and my brothers home?"

Again, I wondered why I was here.

"It goes so much deeper than what you think it is Capri. Say your mother and I divorce, we would have to divide everything. She gets half of everything and vise versa. I can't afford to-"

"So this is about money?" She questioned.

"No this is not about money. If I live on my own, you and your brother will lose everything. All the luxuries we get now. We'd all have to move out of this house. The mortgage isn't even paid in full. That's what your mother and I are waiting on."

"This is too much."

"I know it's a lot to take in. And I'm sorry you found out like this. I was going to tell you Capri but...the timing was never right."

"Why her though? A woman 10 years younger than you? A woman who is better off with someone her own age."

"You don't understand. The connection Brenda and I have is far better than the one your mother and I had or have. We understand each other and...she actually listens to me. She treats me how I want to be treated and...I love her. She makes me happy and she doesn't put her hands on me. She treats me with respect and actually cares for me. I do the same with her. She doesn't ask for much in return. And she fills the void I've been feeling for over 11 years Capri." He explained, damn there tearing up. You could tell ha pops really did fuck with this Brenda lady and I almost got it. Cause the way he talked about ha was the way I felt about Capri.

"I always thought y'all would make up. I guess I was wrong." Pri shrugged.

"To be fair...I didn't want to ever tell you or your brother this but...your mother cheated on me too. When you were just 5 years old. And from there...we grew apart even more than we were."

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