Chapter 105

773 46 66

Capri Martin
Jolted out of my sleep for the 3rd time tonight. I kept having the same dream over and over again. Those were the worst kinds of nights. Those were the nights where you couldn't get any sleep and woke up with a weird feeling.

And this time I did wake up with a weird feeling. Something was off. Something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that I went to bed with that boy on my mind. What else was new? But this time I'd really been thinking about him. About us and how we were.

That made me melt inside. It was so unlike him. So sensitive. He'd been very open and vulnerable with me. Something he hadn't been in the past few months. Made me remember all the good things about him. How he was a caring person, how he loved me unconditionally, and how he'd been a literal best friend towards me.

That night, that one night, that wasn't us. Those were two different people. Q and Pri were somewhere else. It was like two demons took over us and made us argue like that. Made him act out like that. That wasn't the real him. I didn't care what anybody said.

I was glad he had some time to give me space, reflect and realize the same thing.

But on the other hand...I didn't wanna just fall back into his arms over a letter. It was very heartfelt but it was gonna take time for us to get back into our groove.

Had me reading the letter again. Word for word, whispering under my breath as I did.

Maybe I'd unblock him when I woke up for real. I don't know. Maybe not contact him but unblock for sure. He earned that I guess. But I needed to sleep on that decision too. Even though he claimed to be grounded and at peace, that was the same nigga that broke into my home at least once a week.

In a heartbeat if he saw himself unblocked, he'd probably have a field day messaging and calling me and I wasn't ready for all that yet. I wanted to take it slow if I was debating whether to forgive him or not.

Like I said, I just needed to sleep on it.

Turning over, I laid on my side and folded his letter up. I put it back under my pillow and tried to think happy thoughts to fall asleep. How I was gonna decorate my side of the dorm I was sharing with Sam and Z. Building a school supply list. Figuring out my wardrobe for the year. It was a lot and in no time I could feel myself slipping into a nice and calm sleep.

Up until my phone rang. It was 4 in the fucking morning! Who was calling me? Unless someone was dying, I didn't wanna hear that shit.

Sucking my teeth, I grabbed my phone to see who it'd been. Fucking Elijah calling me. Like what the fuck? This is why I didn't hand my number out to anybody. For reasons like this.

He was getting muted. Hanging up the phone, I put it back on my night stand and tried to go back to sleep again. But before I could even CLOSE MY FUCKING EYES, my phone had been ringing again and it'd been the same exact person.

Sucking my teeth, I picked the phone up. "What!" I grumbled.


"What Elijah? It's 4 in the fucking morning..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry fa wakin you's Q. He got shot bro." He replied, sounding ABSOLUTELY distraught.


"He got shot. I don't know how, I don't know where he was, I- I don't know what the fuck goin on. All I know is that I got a call from Jen who got a call from the hospital. I don't know if he's alive. Ion know if the nigga dead like...all I know is that he was shot. Jen talkin bout identifying bodies and shit. Everything happened so quick. She was cryin and screamin and shit."

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