Chapter 11 Fear or Hate

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(3rd POV)

"How strange... I cannot suck up all her soul." The white demon states as (Y/N)'s soul looked as if it was too much for her mirror. Suddenly she begins to walk towards Kagome, who was glaring at her.

"I am unable to suck up you're soul, Kagome. However, I desire the shard of the Sacred Jewel that you posses. Give it to me." The girl insists as she reaches out towards Kagome.

"You can't have it!" Kagome declares as she steps back causing both of her and Koharu to fall backwards. Koharu was unconscious, while Kagome quickly sits up drawing an arrow and points it at the white demon.

"Songo, Kagome!" Miroku calls out as he enters the room.

"So she's the other demon." Miroku points out as Kirara comes in to growl at the girl, who begins to walk away fading into the darkness.

"(Y/N)!" Kagome cries out as she rushes over to (Y/N) with a worried expression.

"Kagome, is (Y/N) harmed? What has she done?!" Miroku exclaims causing Shippo to stir as Kirara walks over to him and wine.

"Kirara, it's you. Uh, oh (Y/N), Kagome!" Shippo calls out as he jumps up and looks over at them.

"What exactly went on here?" Miroku asks causing Shippo to turn to him with a serious expression.

"Miroku, didn't you see the white demon?" Shippo questions and Kagome glances over at him from the unconscious (Y/N).

She was trying to draw (Y/N)'s soul into her mirror." Kagome answers.

"(Y/N)'s soul?" Miroku asks causing (Y/N) to stir.

( (Y/N)'s POV)

"Thank goodness, are you okay?" Kagome questions causing me to slightly nod. "I'm glad she's not hurt." as a feeling of relief envelopes me.

"I just feel weak." I respond causing Shippo to rush over to me.

"That white demon tried to take you're soul!" Shippo declares causing me to look over at him.

"Take my soul?" I ask causing Shippo and Kagome to nod, but Miroku then clears his throat as he helps the unconscious Songo onto Kirara's back.

"In any case we should hurry outside and help Inuyasha." Miroku answers causing me to sit up from Kagome's lap.

"Can you stand (Y/N)?" Kagome questions. "Why am I so relieved no one here is dead?" I wonder as I stared at the floor

"Get on my back and I'll carry you." Miroku insists causing me to look over to see him crouch down in front of me with his back turned. "Definitely not pervert." I think as I shake my head.

"I'll be fine. You all hurry and go help Inuyasha, beside I wouldn't be of much help feeling weak like this." I state causing them all to put on a worried expression as Miroku stands up. Suddenly, Kagome helps me over to the wall and leans me against it causing me to look up at her in confusion.

"Stay here and take it easy then." Kagome instructs and I nod causing them all to rush out of the room and I let out a sigh. "Who was that Priestess and what did she mean? Save who? More importantly, Naraku is obviously trying to either punish me.. or kill me." I think as I go to close my eyes, but I then see something out of the corner of my eye causing me to glance over at the dark room to see red eyes starring back at me.

"Nar-aku?" I ask as I then see him walk out from the darkness with his normally cold expression, however it seemed a bit warmer than usual. However, I ignore it and glare up at him trying to hide the fear that was creeping in.

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