Doritos |49|

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(Check chapter number!)

As Y/n was walking out of the doors, the other Tony following briskly behind with an eyeroll at her dramatics, the teen felt a weird pinging in her chest and she stopped abruptly at a shortness of breath.

Her eyes were wide as her fingers grasped at the arc reactor under her shirt until she could pull it out and feel relief.

"Kid?" The other Tony called with question, coming up beside her.

"Jarvis?" The girls asked her watch while glancing at the arc reactor.

"That...happens sometimes," Tony explained tentatively as he stared at the arc reactor. "You don't implant a three gigajoul power source into your chest and feel butterflies all the time."

Y/n glanced at him and then pressed it back into her chest, hearing the click and the low hum. She also felt a dull throb from the incision.

"You're alright?" Tbe billioanire clarified.

"Yeah," Y/n mumbled. "Totally ruined my dramatic exit."

Tony rolled his eyes, "how'd you get that anyway--forgive my...dementia ridden mind but I can't...recall what you said happened. In my defense it was two years ago so..."

Y/n glanced up at him as he walked next to her back the other way, sunshine blinding his eyes causing him to put on a pair of blue sunglasses.

Tony had some like that back home...

"Uh...blood poisoning. Reallly bad shit," Y/n shook her head at her bad explanation but maybe it was so because of the bad memories that came with it. She really had suffered that whole time.

Tony squinted down at her, "how'd you manage that?"

"Uh...I'm resourceful?" she held up a hand suggestively.

"Why are you so difficult? Just spit it out, kid. Seriously."

Y/n stopped in the middle of their walking, I'm probably never going home. What could the worst be?

It was like she was sitting on a fence, teetering between the options of telling and not telling.

And once she started, she couldn't seem to stop.

"My aunt was abusing me and there was a baseball bat and she gave me internal bleeding and everytime I used the nanotech to heal myself, it was causing blood poisoning. I used it so much that it was so bad I had to get an arc ractor but I was slowly dying for like a month because I couldn't find a cure and you'd be surprised at the many uses of the photo static veil--including sealing wounds after injecting them inside. Basically, I almost died on the night of my graduation and Tony gave me this arc reactor and they still don't know what's really going on because I don't want to tell them because that's so sad for me and I really don't know what to do. But it doesn't reall matter because I won't ever get home anyway but...that's..."

Luckily, she hadn't said any of that outloud.

"Well?" Tony prompted.

"Training. Got a bit out of hand..." Y/n lied feebly. Somehow, Tony believed it.

They continued walking back down the hall, Y/n feeling defeated still, thinking maybe she could finish the end of that video...

Tony sighed, "ever been on a search party, kid?"

"I've played hide and seek," Y/n answered. "I lost one of them..."

Tony's eyes widened but he didn't press, "right," he cleared his throat. "You...can, if you want, come along on one of Ross' search parties. I can rig up a little cover for you...but you need to be careful. Going undercover isn't something to laugh about. It's serious."

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