Drippy Co-op Icecream |50|

693 41 13

(Check chapter number!)

"Ahh, gosh, wipers, wipers!" the woman groaned with disgust as she turned away from Y/n's bloody body that was stuck on the glass winshield of the helicopter.

That was the woman's reaction to finding the teen. Quite brash, really. But when her and the other woman managed to bring Y/n in, the only thing they found were entries to a diary.

"Read them," the second woman instructed.

The first did as she was told.

"I don't know the date because they took my phone </3

Dear Napkin, just a quick update: I'm currently writing on you for no reason at all other than the fact that I'm quite lonely now that my phone's been confiscated and I've been taken to prison.

Yeah, prison. Again. Haha, I'm so quirky.

All jokes aside, life as a criminal sucks. People stink here and it's absolutely freezing but I'm sure that doesn't bother you. You must get a lot of warmth from the people who spit into you after they get into a fight.

Anway, I just wanted to say that you have it lucky because prison life sucks. Especially in Russia.

You may be wondering (probably not because your a napkin) how I got here in the first place. Well, Nappy, it's a long story and I don't have enough time to write on you before this guy comes and steals you from me. He's angry all the time. Let's just say you are napkin 3 in my diary entry collection and it's not looking good.

Bye Nappy :,(

Four days later in prison from last entry because I have no calandar or phone to tell the date

Dear random person's arm, I have more time to share today because the guy you belong to passed out on the floor. I think we have a good three hours max.

Let's start from the beginning, it all happened when I was accused of identity theft <3 basically, there was a huge guy on this ferry with me and he saw the spider suit that was rolled up in my pocket. Next thing I know, he's saying how I stole Spider-Man's identity and I'm just a clout seeker. Apparently a girl can't be spider man smh. There was a whole bit but to shave it down for ya, basically his whole rant was flimsy and I could easily counter everything.

Wasn't until a police boat had to come because there was such a scene (broke his fatass nose the dumb bitch couldn't even see it coming because that shit was huge af like a boulder in the middle of a road).

So basically, they took me here because the whole thing checked out. Or maybe something i don't know about came up. This is a different universe. Perhaps my variant here was a criminal... whatever it is, now I am subjected to hang around all these middle aged men who smell like dead fish that've marinated in rotten eggs for a thousand years. Like seriously, I don't think that they have showers here.

The worst part is, I'M STARTING TO SMELL THE SAME! I swear to Thor that if I don't see a bar of soap around here in the next day, I'm going to kms. Just kidding. (Not really.)

Believe it or not, I actually have considered doing it but y'know, things get in the way. I still have hope...a bit? Anyways, gosh I hope no one sees this.

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