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Once we all climbed down into the tunnels a train passed.

"My brother knows these tunnels really well." Castor said as he climbed down. "He worked sanitation down here." "Probably best he shows us then, I only know how to get to Blossom's house." Roland joked. You could hear the pain in his voice.

I patted him on the shoulder, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I'm fine." He spoke with a small sniffle.

"Right after they made him an Avox." Pollux started to breath heaving. "You're gonna be okay? Look at me. Look at me. We're gonna get through this. I promise." Castor said to his brother.

Roland let out and heavy sigh. "We got this." I said as Roland squeezed my shoulders.

We all walked close together Katniss with the holo and Pollux leading the way.

Roland and I stood behind Peeta, Finnick infront of him. Gale kept glancing back at us manly to watch Peeta.

As we walked the noise of a train was heard up ahead. We jogged to get behind a wall before it showed up.

The train was filled with what I think were people and trucks.

"We're to exposed here." Katniss said. Pollux nodded and ran, we all ran behind him. "We are putting a lot of trust in this guy." Finnick nodded. "Don't worry. I'll keep you safe." He winked as Pollux opened a door. "This is convenient" I joked as I pushed Peeta's back to go through.

We climbed down another thing of ladders. "Capitol is full of secrets." Roland said.

Katniss looked at the holo. "Looks clear."

We stayed quiet not knowing what could happen. Roland stayed behind me as I stood near Finnick and Peeta.

We walked down a dimly lit hallway. A loud squeal and a pipe burst making air/water come out we all ducked covering our ears Peeta's hand went on my shoulder.

We haven't talked since what he said to me yesterday, I can tell with every glance he throws at me he wants to apologize.

I looked at him knowing loud noises can trigger something. He nodded that he was okay.

"Everyone okay?" Jackson yelled from the back. "Yeah." Katniss yelled back.


The next tunnel we took we were shoulder deep in water. I kept a close eye on Peeta knowing this would be an easy place to kill Katniss, especially seeing he has his handcuffs on, he could strangle her without a second to spear.

We finally got out of whatever water that was filled with. Had to be grey water. I swear we were just in the Capitols toilet bowl.

We still where in the sewers luckily the water was just to our calves.

"Alright everybody. We're gonna stop here for a bit and get some rest, yeah? I'll take first watch." Jackson yelled. I climbed up and then helped Peeta.

"Hey, Peeta. Just tuck in there." Finnick yelled as he climbed up. I followed sitting next to him. Peeta looked around skeptically.

"You're Safe." I whispered to him. "Promise?" "From our last conversation do you really want me to promise?" He looked down embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." I patted his leg. "You should be." Finnick sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I forgive you Peeta." "Thanks."

Finnish brushed back my hair and kissed my temple. "Goodnight Angel." "Goodnight Finn."


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