Chapter 12: A snaky situation

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(Second-person POV)

Walking up the rest of the path up to the mountain village, you let out a sigh, wondering what you should do if you don't find your teacher here. Perhaps you should get a permanent job somewhere and wait for him to appear in front of you? You didn't like that idea, not satisfied with leaving your destiny to be written by the strings of fate that you had no control over. Who was to say that they might not destroy everything that you have all over again? It would absolutely crush you if Dart were to go missing or if the Void Vanquisher were to disappear as your sensei did.

As you arrived in the village, the shouting of a small boy made you pause in your tracks, eyes picking up every single detail in the area. Pulling the hood of your cloak over your head, you made sure Dart was hidden under your muffler before walking over to a shadowy place behind a wall. Listening in on your surroundings, you found yourself wanting to get more information before you chose your next move.

"Wah! You just made me your nemesis! Mark my words, you'll pay for this!" he fumed, only to be met with mocking laughter. Peeking out from behind the wall, your attention was immediately drawn towards the four strangers in what appeared to be ninja outfits of different colours. Recognising the patterns of their aura to be four of the five people who destroyed your home, you let out a sigh of annoyance. 

Should I even get involved with them? The last time I did, Kusho Sensei's resting place got blown up and I was left with next to nothing aside from the clothes on my back, my weapons, Kusho Sensei's clothes, and a library of books. But... Looking up from the four teens to the boy the crowd seemed to be mocking, you felt almost sorry for him. He was wrapped up in an ebony hoodie that the ribcage of a skeleton printed around the chest area, rotten vegetables and banana peels coating his clothes as he hung from on top of a sign.

And these guys are just laughing at him, not bothering to help? you thought in disbelief, Thank gods I didn't join them when their teacher offered... That would be offensive to Kusho Sensei's name... Just then, the male in white walked away from the group in your direction, making you tense up, only to relax once he turned to a sweets vendor, buying an armful of sugary treats for his companions. Walking over to his three teammates, he handed the candy to them and they began to lecture and taunt the kid.

"Next time, try paying for your candy," the male in black told off as his ally in red added "Crime doesn't pay, muchacho. You can take that to the bank."

"Mm~ Cotton candy~" the teen in blue teased, taking a bite of the cloud-like food.

Letting out a disappointed sigh, you headed over to the sweets vendor and bought one of each type of confectionary before placing them in your pocket dimension with a quiet snap of your fingers. Pulling your cloak tighter around your body, you tried to fit in with the crowd as best as you could, hoping the Ninja don't recognise the clothes you wore as it was the very one Kusho Sensei had gifted you.

Yelling angrily, the child the teens had hung up on the sign tried to struggle out of his place on the roof, only for his actions to be in vain. Leaping off the ground, you pulled the kid off of his perch and began dashing across the roof, the Ninja noticing your actions and shouting something behind you. Once you left them in the dust, you leapt off the building with the boy still in your arms, the heels of your boots coming into contact with the paved road with a soft clack.

"Are you alright?" you inquired, hoping that the males didn't hurt the child.

"Y-yes! Thank you, mister!" he replied hastily, a bright smile on his face.

"Miss," you corrected as you pulled down your hood for him to see.

"Woah! You're super cool, miss! Much cooler than those Ninja. Plus, your clothes look better than what they're wearing! You look like a super strong and mysterious wanderer while they look like they're wearing their pyjamas!" the kid snickered as he brushed whatever grime was still stuck to his clothes off, though most of it had fallen off in your run.

Void - Ninjago x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now