Skylar Snape

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Severus Snape walked around the street to get back to his apartment. The dark lord was gone and everyone in the Wizarding world was celebrating.

Though Snape wasn't as joyful as the others, he lost the only person he had ever loved. Lily.

All of a sudden there's a giggle from a bush a bit in front of him. He looked at the bush slightly confused, he almost walked past it but in the corner of his eyes he seen a baby in a basket. He hesitated for a second before walking over to the child.

When the baby seen him it giggled once more. He looked around for a second to see if anyone had left it there.

Once he comes to conclusions that no one was coming for the child he picks up the basket and looks at the child closely before the baby grabs Severus' nose and laughed.

He smiles a bit before noticing a letter next to the child in the basket. He grabs the letter and puts the child's basket on the ground.

He reads the letter.

'To anyone who finds my daughter,

Her name is Skylar and her middle name is Samatha, she's one year old born on December 24th. She is very special and I can't take care of her anymore because I can barely make enough money to support myself. Please take care of my little girl'

Severus finishes reading the letter then looking at the child, it was a wizard neighborhood so he assumed she ment that the child was of wizarding blood.

He thought for a second before giving in and bringing the child to his apartment.

(Ten years later)

Sky lives with her adopted father at their apartment in the summer then she goes to live with him at hogwarts in his teacher quarters.

Not many people know she's even there, only the other teachers the headmaster and her father.

Her father taught her about many things he teaches and sometimes she goes to the other professors to learn a bit. Her favorite subject was Potions obviously, she looked up to her father and how brilliant he was at not only potions but defence against the Dark arts too. Though she only really gets taught things she could learn in her books since she didn't have a wand yet. Except for potions which her father let her work on with him

If you put Skylar's father and herself side by side you wouldn't be able to tell that they even would know each other let alone be father and daughter. The only thing they truly had in common was there intelligence

Sky was kind, she spoke in soft tones, she was also quiet at times but very energeticat others, respectful and didn't snap at people like her father. She had waist length blond curly hair and was fairly short. She was cute and beautiful to the fact you'd be convinced she was part Veela.

As she sat in her room in the teachers quarters she read a book about potions that was meant for 6th year students. It was an old hammy-down from her father. Most of the things she owned where hammy-downs, her books, her cauldron, and most of the things in her room.

The entire staff of hogwarts always pitched in to by her clothes, sometimes they were new and other times they were from a second hand store, she didn't care though. Sky was just happy with the fact that they all cared for her and did things like that for her.

She was very close with all of the staff but she was especially close to Minerva, Pomona, and Poppy seeing that they were like mother figures to her.

She always stayed at least an extra week at hogwarts with her father and the rest of the staff. It became one of the things she looked forward to the most because she was actually able to go out in the castle and not worry about someone seeing her.

"Sky" her father calls. Sky looks up from her book and runs out of her room and over to him with joy, her father always told her a bit about his day once he came back, she always listened intently because it made her feel as if she actually was apart of his class. She knew she had to be over exaggerating some off it but she didnt care.

"How was your day?" She asks. He sighs and grabs the coffee and pours himself some and her some. He always made decafe for Sky seeing that he didn't want her no able to sleep.

He handed her the glass and she made it how she normally had her coffee

A bit of creamer and three scoops of sugar. Unlike her father who preferred his black she loved her coffee sweet. Her father once told her that it wasn't even coffee anymore, it was dessert.

"Those insufferable twins were at it again." He tells her. She hides her smile. She always enjoyed hearing about what prank the two twins had pulled that day. She had never met them nor even seen them before, heck they didn't even know she existed but for some reason everytime her father talked about them it felt like she had some friends.

"They decided to set a dungbomb off in the middle of class so I gave them both  two weeks of detention." He adds rolling his eyes as he remembered the event.

Her father went on about his day and she listened to everything he said.

"How was you day?" He asks with his usual straight face as he then took a sip of his coffee.

"Good, I finished two of the books you gave me and I'm almost done with advanced potions 6th year book" She tells him. He nods

"So, dad. Do you know when I'll get my hogwarts letter?" She asks him with a bit of a smile. He looks at her sighing. She's asks the question almost every week for a year straight but his answer is always the same

"When everyone else does Sky" he answers for the hundredth time. She nods. It was almost the end of the school year and  she had turned 11 December and she couldn't wait for her letter so she could make friends her own age

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