The Aftermath

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*Author's note*

(Hello everyone! I would like to say I'm so sorry for the wait, I've been busy with school exams, family stuff, writers block, and trying to work on other books to hopefully get out. There will quite definitely be many more chapters after this, and I'll try to get them all out at a more reasonable date from now on.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas I'm always up for suggestions and questions I'll try and answer any questions if you want to just comment or message me privately.

Also in this chapter will have a huge time skip. And sorry it's going to be a short one too.

Again thanks for reading, and hopefully you enjoy the book!

Lots of love, C. Stark~)

After being poisoned and nearly dying this left Sky in the hospital wing barely hanging on to life.

Though most students would be escorted to Saint Mungo's by now Sky was not due to her father saying that she was in better hands at Hogwarts than any where else.

Ron was in the hospital wing too but only for two days to rest and recover.

Fred had apparated to Hogsmead as soon as he heard the news Sky was in the hospital.

Durring her stay in the hospital she did all of the work she missed in class. Thought since she knew the curriculum fairly well most of the professors gave less work for her to do.

Recovery had to be the worst part durring her stay at the hospital wing. This was due to the fact that recovery was a full two months. Though she only had to stay in the hospital wing for two weeks, when she was released, madam Pomfrey sent her strict orders to not over do it. No exercise, no after-school activities, durring most meal times she could only eat specific foods, because a lot of them just made her throw up. It was sort of like trial by fire.

So basically her days went by like this.

Wake up, school, eat, pray to godric she doesn't throw up her food, sleep and repeat. People would visit ber often in her dorm or in the common room. But Madam Pomfrey said sleep was the most

Though Fred would visit her two times a week for about an hour to make sure she was doing OK. Though he owled her everyday he said he had to make sure she wasn't lying about how she was doing in the letters. Most of the time he would simply sit with her and talk about things with the Joke shop

later she was completely recovered, though confused at what happened and why she was in the hospital wing. Once Ron and Harry filled her in she was extremely grateful for Harry. Everyone was. The staff, Ron, Hermione, Fred and all of the Weasleys. Even Skylar's father didn't bug or take any points away from Harry for a full week after Skylar recovered.

Sky felt awful for missing Fred and her's first date but he reassureed her that it wasn't her fault in the slightest and that they would just go on another date in

(Saturday, March 26th)

"Harry that was super irresponsible of you! You can't just go around sending random curses you don't know at people. Thank God my dad was there, imagine how horrible that couldnt have been. Poor Draco" Sky mentions with relief in her tone.

"Yeah, Poor him" Harry says sarcastically though Sky doesn't notice as she gets up from the Gryffindor table, she hadn't eaten anything since she knew her and Fred where going to eat at The Three broomsticks.

"You promise you'll take the potion tonight?" Sky asks Harry referring to to the liquid luck. Harry nods pushing around some potatoes in the soup in front of him.

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