Second year

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(Once the third year comes around I'll do more than just one long chapter per year)

Hermione and Sky both sat in Hermione's room talking.

Sky convinced her father to let her stay at the Granger's house for the week until school started again. The two had been going out like regular muggles which was slightly odd but very fun to Sky. It was the morning before they had to go back to school.

Sky's hair had grown a bit more but she had stayed almost the same height, she was now 5 feet tall rather than her 4'11 last year. It was slightly annoying that all of her friends were shooting up like sprouts where for her it was as if someone put a rock on her head and said 'yeah let's make sure she's never going to be able to reach anything on the top shelf'

But other than that, Skylar was excited to go back to school mostly because she missed the amazing food and was a bit tired of her father's cooking which was limited to frozen dinners, and getting take out.

Don't get her wrong, her father could cook he just claimed to have better things to do when dinner time rolled around.

"So who do you think the next Defense Against the Dark arts teacher will be?" Hermione asks Sky who shrugs

"Dad wouldn't tell me, but to be honest I'm not sure he even knows who it is" She states

Her father hated talking about who got the Defense Against the Dark arts teacher this year, Sky wasn't sure if it was a spite thing or not, but she didn't ask him after she asked him a few weeks ago and he grumbled a sour 'I don't know nor do I care'

"Hermione, Sky!" Mrs. Granger calls from Downstairs. The two girls run down into the living room. They were already dressed and ready for Diagon alley seeing that they wrote to Ron and Harry after they explained that Harry wasn't getting any letters or anything and he was trapped in his Aunt and Uncle's house most of the summer. Once the two got the information they all planned to go to Diagon Alley.

"Yes, mum?" Hermione asks. Mrs. and Mr. Granger both stood there ready to walk out of the house

"You two ready?" Mr. Granger asks. The two girls nod.

Snape had given Sky a bit of money for her to buy a new Defense Against the Dark arts book because he couldn't give her his old one seeing that the school list requires a different one.

The four leave the house and head to Diagon Alley.

Sky was almost their guide seeing that she had been there more times than they have. They all go to the bank and Hermione's parents go to the line for money to exchange telling the girls they can meet their friends if they would like.

"Maybe we should have planned to go earlier this week," Sky tells Hermione who nods in agreeance.

"I think I See Ron" Hermione exclaims bringing the four over to a group of five redheads.

"Hermione! Sky!" Ron exclaims as the two girls go up to him and the other Weasleys.

Ron looked like he had grown 3 inches taller over the summer. A slight difference but a difference anyone could see

"Have you seen Harry?" Ron asks. Hermione and Sky both shake their heads no

"Did you lose him?" Hermione asks Ron looking slightly panicked.

"Well we were traveling by flu powder-" Ron begins

"Flu powder? Why didn't you go with him? He could be anywhere!" Hermione exclaims getting more and more furious and panicked at the second.

"Well we didn't think he would mind going by himself for the first time," Ron says his ears getting pink.

"I'm going to go and try to find Harry" Sky says not wanting to have Harry end up even more lost.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now