The begining of the Year Feast (3 year)

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Sky sat in the dinning area of the Leaky cauldron reading her book.

Her height had stayed the same to her dismay though she started puberty over the summer and had gotten a bit more curvy and had 'grown in other ways than height' according to Hermione. She felt the same as normal. She also got her hair cut a bit. It used to be down to her lower back but now it was around her mid back. Though it was already growing fast.

Though other than that she was the same old Skylar Snape.

"A cat? Is that what they told you it was? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me" Ron exclaims. Hermione and Ron had been fighting all about Scabbers and Crookshanks for the whole two days they've been at the Leaky cauldron according to Ginny though Sky just arrived a few hours ago

They went back and forth for a bit before Ron looked up to the rh Stairs to see who was walking down.

"Harry!" Ron exclaims making Sky look up from her book.

"Harry!" Hermoine and Sky both say at the same time with happiness.

Ron show Harry the Newspaper of him and his family in Egypt.

"What's it like?" Harry asks Ron looking up from the Paper that was on the Table the four were sat at.

"Brilliant, loads of old stuff like mummies and Tumbs" Ron states with a smile as he holds Scabbers "Even Scabbers enjoyed himself." He adds.

"You know Egyptians used to worship cats" Hermoine interjects holding Crookshanks in her arms. Sky sat their petting Crookshanks who seemed to enjoy it enough to jump into Sky's lap. Hermione smiles at her friend. Snape didn't allow Sky to have a pet. All Sky truly wanted was a dog, or a cat but her father claimed that they were too messy and to much responsibility.

"Yeah along with the dungbeatle" Ron says with a glare as Hermione scoffs a bit.

"Not flashing clipping about again are you?" Fred asks grabbing the paper from in front of Ron with a smirk.

"I haven't showed anyone" Ron says his ears getting a bit pink.

"No not a soul" George teases.

"Except that bloke from Belgium" Fred adds.

"And the night shift witch"

"The Driver"

"Oh and the plumber who fixed the toilet!" George says with a bit of a laugh.

Fred then takes the seat next to Sky as George sits next to his brother ad they read the Paper a bit.

Mr Weasley and Harry then head off talking about something as Percy take the sear in front of Sky.

"Hi Percy, Congratulations on making head boy, Ron told me" Sky tells the older Redhead who proudly puffed out his chest so the clip was noticeable.

"Thank you Skylar, finally someone who knows what an honor it is to be pronounce head boy" Percy states glaring at his two twin brothers who snickered a bit.

"Oh is that what the badge stands for? Cause it looks like it says Bigheaded Boy" Fred points out with a laugh. Percy looks at his badge to realize his brother was right, it read Bigheaded Boy. Percy quickly took the Pin off and ran back upstairs trying to fix it

Sky sighed feeling a bit sorry for Percy

Crookshanks purs in Sky's lap as she pets him.

(On the train)

The three third years go around trying to find a compartment they finally find an open one with a man sleeping inside.

"Is he asleep?" Harry asks in a bit of a ergent tone. Sky nods as Harry quickly shuts the compartment door behind them.

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