Tea leaves and Hogsmeade

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Hermione and Sky had met after breakfast in the Library to figure our what class they are going to first.

"I think we should do Ancient Ruins, then Divisionation and then it'll be 10 so we go to care of Magical Creature" Sky suggest. Hermione nods in agreeance and they head off to Arithmacy first.

It was a slightly challenging class but Hermione and Sky felt as if they did well for their first day. Once they finished that class they went into a abandoned classroom and used the timeturner which Hermione held onto seeing that Sky didn't want to lose it nor break it.

The Two girls rushed into the class and sat next to Harry and Ron.

Professor Trawlony Began her speach and then told them all to grab the cup opposite from them

Hermione grabbed Sky's cup and Sky grabbed Hermione's.

"What do you see?" Sky asks Hermione who looked slightly uninterested.

"You've got three human figures a knife and a hen" Hermione says seeming slightly confused.

"Let me see the cup" Trewalony says Hermione then hands her the cup with a bit of attitude.

"I see, your friends dear, they are in grave danger, but you will gain a new member of friendship alone" Trewalony exclaims putting the cup away she then goes over to Harry and Ron grabbing Harry's cup thst Ron had

"This is such rubbish" Hermione says under her breath to Sky.

"I think it's rather neat" Sky says before hearing Trewalony gasping.

"My dear boy, you have... the grim" the Professor states.

There are a few murmurs before a boy explains that it was the omen of death.

Harry and the three walk out of the classroom with many people giving their sympathy to Harry

"You don't think that grim thing has anything to do with Sirius Black? Do you?" Ron asks as the four walk to Care of Magical creatures

"Oh honestly Ron, if you ask me Divisionation willy discipline. Now Ancient ruins, that's a Fascinating subject. Me and Sky enjoyed it didn't we?" Hermione asks as they walk down the path. Sky nods keeping her eyes at the steps not wanting to miss one and go tumbling down.

"Wait how were you two in Ancient Ruins? That class is at the same time Divisionation is at" Ron says confused. Hermione scoffs a laugh

"Oh honestly Ron? How could one person be at two places at once?" Hermione asks as Sky laughs a bit too trying to go along with it.

"Broaden your minds!" Hermione Mimics laughing.

Once they finally get to care of Magical Creatures Sky gets out her book.

"Just open your books to page 56 and we'll get started" Hagrid exclaims. Draco scoffs

"And exactly how do we do that?" He asks with an attitude.

"Well you stroke the spind of course" Hagrid states. Draco and the rest of the class stroke the spine of the book.

But Neville forgot to and the book attacked him. Sky quickly ran over to him and took the book off of him before stroking the spine of the book making it calm down.

"Thanks" Neville says as she gives him the book back with a smile

"No problem" She tells him before the two walk over to the area thar Hagrid told them to go.

"Dat da da da da!" Hagrid says proudly as showing the hipogriff off to the class.

Sky looks at the beautiful creature in awe. She and Neville stood near the back of the group but it was still a sight to see as the Hipogriff spread it's large wings.

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