Same story new couple

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Sky walked From the great hall to sit with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The four head to class. They didn't know when the next task was but it had to be at least a few weeks away till the next task so time for Harry to prepare.

Once Transfiguration was over Sky stepped out of class with her friends to then see Fred leaning on the wall next to the door way with something hidden behind her back

"Hello love" Fred greets Sky with a smirk. Sky looked at Fred a bit confused at why he was there. Yes she was glad to see he seemed to be fine especially after what happened last night. But the fact that Fred didn't have any classes this period made her a bit suspicious.

"Hey" she states with a small smile. All of a sudden Fred pulls out a bouquet of sunflowers and hands them to her.

"So, How about that date?" Fred questions making Sky freeze. He had to be joking.

"What" Ron asks in shock. By now everyone in the hallways had to be listening into what was going on. Though who couldn't, Fred Weasley one of the duo pranksters was asking Skylar Snape, the daughter of Professor Snape and the known good girl out on a date.

"Fred" Skylar says in a quiet voice "I told you yesterday, I'm sorry but no" she adds trying to hand him back the flowers, they were quiet beautiful though it wouldn't feel right if she kept them. But instead he just pushes them back to her.

"Not even one date? Or a snog, I'm not picky" He asks her with a wink. Sky blushes in embarrassment as Harry, Hermione, and Ron stand their shocked at what they are witnessing

"No Fred" Skylar states. Fred then dramatically sighs.

"alright then, see you later princess" Fred adds before leaving to get to his next class. The other students who were listening in began to walk so it wouldn't seem even more awkward as they talked about what just happened

"What in Merlin's Beard was that?" Ron questions Skylar as the group walks to Potions next. Sky looks over to Ron.

"Fred asked me out yesterday and I said no and for some reason he asked me out again" Sky explains simply as she holds the sunflowers to her chest.

"Well at least I won't be the talk of the school anymore" Harry jokes a bit. Skylar groans slightly as Hermione then elbows Harry in the Stomach.

"It's fine Sky, I'm sure no body's going to even care." Hermione tells Skylar with a small smile.

"Mum's going to be jumping with joy I'm sure, she's been trying to figure out a way to get both you, Hermione, and Harry into the family since she's met you guys" Ron exclaims as the four enter the dungeons. Skylar Shakes her head no.

"It would just be weird, I mean my dad hate's him and He's your older brother." Skylar states looking at Ron.

"So you like him?" Harry questions her confused as they all head into the Hufflepuff common room as Skylar puts the Flowers into a open vase quickly and they then head to the Potions Class room

"No- No I think of him as a friend at the most" Sky says feeling herself blush once more for some reason. Before Hermione, Harry, or Ron could ask any more questions they enter the class and the lesson begins right as they all sit down.

"Today we will be brewing Draught of Living Peace, can anyone tell me what this is used for?" Professor Snape asks in his monotone voice. Sky who had done this potion with her father before many times (Like many of the potions they make) immediately raises her hand.

"Yes Skylar" He calls of His daughter seeing that she and Hermione were the only one's raising their hands and Sky raised her hand first.

"The drought of Living peace is normally used for patients who are having trouble sleeping due to night terrors, they may also be used for young Children when kept up at night from nightmares too. Though extremely useful, this potion can cause horrible repercussions when made wrong. Such as hallucinations, migraines and even death." Sky answers, Her father nods with a straight face.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now