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Skylar had stuck at her father's apartment all summer practicing her potions skills daily, father had been going to meetings more often which made her ask questions that got simple quick answers that made her wonder even more. She knew about the order seeing that her dad couldn't keep that from her though she didnt know what they were fully doing other than trying to take Voldemort down.

Sky had also been writing to her friends a lot too. Especially one tall red head twin in particular.

Even though it was summer Fred didn't stop asking her out on dates by owl, this slight change didn't effect her answer however. No.

With each letter Fred felt himself falling for her more and more. Asking her out was about a quarter of all the letters he sent to her, the other three Quarters were then just talking.

Even Sky felt herself growing fond of Fred more and more also. To the point where many would consider it to be a crush, but she wouldn't ever admit to it of course because having a crush on Fred would be upsurd.

She never told her father or anyone for that fact, that she was owling Fred as much as she did, but let's just say they would send at least Three owls each per day and maybe one or two at night. And at least one every day would be of him asking her out.

Skylar sat on her couch reading a book Fred sent her as a 'will you go out with me' gift, when her father walked into the room with his usual straight face and clears his throat

"Yes?" She asks putting her book down in her lap looking up to her father.

"Pack some bags, you are going to be staying with the order at head quarters for a week while I go on a trip" her father announces. She get up and looks at him confused. School was starting in a week, and he was never gone for longer than at least a day. But she knew better than to argue so instead she walks up to her room and packs her bags wondering what the head quarters would be like as she packed.

Once she finished getting her clothes, books, potion supplies, wand, and all her school supplies just in case she was leaving from the head quarters to Hogwarts rather than her father bringing her back to get he bags, sh then walked down stairs with her trunk.

He handed her some floo powder before saying bye and telling her to say Number 12 Grimmuald place.

Sky hugs him goodbye before using the floo network to get her to her destination.

As the fire died down she coughed a bit because some ash got in her face.

She walked out of the fireplace and looked around at the old fashioned house. Everything was very dark and almost gloomy.

Feels like home already.

She laughed at her own joke in her head seeing that at her house it had the same sort of aura, other than her room which was yellow, white with touches of Pink.

"Skylar glad to see you could make it" a voice exclaims. Sky looks over to where the familiar voice is coming from to see Sirius standing their in the door way to what looked like a dinning room either others in it too. He had nicer clothes than she had last seen him in. His hair was much nicer too, and his teeth were cleaner.

"Sirius!" Sky exclaimed putting her trunk down and running over to the man who was like a father to her. She quickly hugged him in which she hugged her back.

When she let go of him she looked at his nice outfit. "You look great" she compliments him as he smirks in triumph.

"Thank you, now that I'm out of the rags from Azkaban I feel much Less like a criminal" he jokes she laughs a but before looking over into the Dinning room to her Hermione, Ron, Mrs Weasley, Moody, Mr Weasley, her old professor, professor Lupin and Ginny

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now