The Arival

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(September 1st)

Sky sat at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric, normally she would sit with Harry, Hermione and Ron, or Neville but at the beginning feast it was the only time you were told to sit with your respected houses.

After the sorting Dumbledore had and Anoucment.

"-Hogwarts has been chosen to host the legendary event know as the Triwizard Tornament, now for those of you who do not know what this is, the tri wizard tournament brings together three schools where each one will have a student selected to compete. Let me be clear, if chosen tou will stand alone. And trust me when i say these contests are not for the faint of heart," Dumbledore begins

"But more of that later, for now, I would like to introduce the lovely ladies of Beauxbaton's academy of magic, and their headmistress Madam Maxine!" Dumbledore exclaims the doors then open up to show a bunch of beautiful girls of many ages dancing to a ballet tune. Almost all of the guys looked at the girls in awe and even some girls too

After the girls all stopped dancing and went to the Ravenclaw table next to the Hufflepuff one the next school enters

"That's Victor Krum" a few people exclaim pointing out the man. Sky smiled to herself knowing Rin was probably freaking out over the fact that Victor Krum was going to be at the same School as him.

After everyone was seated Dumbledore explains that no one under the age of 17 will be competing in the tournament which Skylar understood why seeing that she's read all about it this summer after over hearing her father say something about the tri wizard tournament. Though other people didn't like this rule.

After Dumbledore got everyone to be quiet he revealed a large goblet. Sky already knew about the tournament so she was zoning in and out a bit trying to keep focus, the thing that snapped her out of it was a large Crack of thunder in the Great Hall a few people freaked out but a man had gotten it under control.

Alastair Moody the new Defense Against the Dark arts professor.

He had many scars and a odd fake eye that was going all over the place as he limped over to Dumbledore.

He looked over somewhere in the Gryffindor table then going to sit down. Sky sat listening to the rest of the speach then eating dinner when she had the odd feeling someone was watching her. She shrugged it off thought not much of it

(September 7th)

Skylar who had yet to have a class with Professor Moody heard a lot of people talking about his class, mixed reviews which made Sky a little nervous but Skylar and Hermione sat in the Great Hall reading a bit as people put their names in the cups.

"Come on Cedric!" Someone yells getting Skylar's attention. Sky looked up to see Cedric putting his name in the goblet. After doing so people clapped and even Sky did a bit.

"I hope Cedric knows what he's getting himself into" Skylar states to Hermione who nods while still reading her book. Sky goes back to her book too and a few minutes later two redheads ran into the great hall victoriusly.

"Yeah!" George and Fred exclaims as a bunch of people watch and clap.

Sky looked up, she knew something was going to go down. Fred and George weren't even old enough to enter the contest.

"Well lads we've done it!" Fred exclaims

"Cooked it up this morning" George adds showing everyone an aging potion. Sky sighed a bit and shook her head

"It's not going to work" Sky states looking back to her book getting Fred and George's attention

"Oh yeah? And why is that Princess?" Fred asks making Sky blush a small bit then set her book down as the two redheads sit next to her.

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