First year

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*September 1st*

Skylar sat in her room reading a muggle book that she had got for her birthday from Minerva.

There was a knock at her door and she looks up to see her father standing there with his hands behind his back with a faint smile on his lips. Her eyes widen

"Is it here?" She asks her Heart beating in anticipation. He holds out a letter and nods a bit. She gets up so fast she trips over her own two feet but quickly catches herself and grabs the letter.

A hogwarts stamp was at the back and it was addressed to her. She quickly opens it.

'Dear Miss Snape,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry-'

She doesn't even finish the letter before squealing in excitement and jumping up and down.

Sky looks at her father with pure joy.

"Congratulations" he says with a ghost of a smile.

Skylar walked onto Platform 9 3/4 after explaining to her father that she wanted to go on the train rather than just apparate to Hogsmeade with him like she always does.

She dragged her trunk onto the train with a bit of a struggle before finding a compartment that had a boy around ger age in it.

"Would you mind if I sit here?" She asks him. He looks at her clearly nervous and nods.

"I'm Skylar, you can call sky though, what's your name?" She asks the boy after putting her trunk away and sitting down opposite of him

"N-Nevile" he stutters. She smiles at him

"I'm going into my first year what about you?" She questions him.

"Me too" he says looking at her.

"Do you have any friends here?" She asks him. He shakes his head no.

"You?" He asks she also shakes her head no

"Hey! We can be friends so that way we both have at least one friend here!" She exclaims excitedly. She was very excited to actually be going to class in hogwarts with other students.

"Ok" he says with a bit of a smile seemingly getting a bit less nervous.

He looks around for a second as the train leaves the station.

"Trevor!" He exclaims looking around.

"What's wrong?" She asks him as he frantically looks around.

"Trevor, my toad, he's gone!" He tells her.

"We can look for him, he couldn't have gone to far, maybe he just went out in another compartment" She tells him. He nods.

"I'll go this way you go that way" She states pointing over to the front of the train. Neville runs off to the front of the train and Sky begins to look going to the back of the train.

She looked in a few compartments asking the people if there seen a lose toad they all said no so she continued her search.

She had only ran into a few seconds years but the rest where first years and it felt better seeing that because she was nervous enough with the first years she had met especially since they were in large groups.

After searching up until the door to Seperate the next bit of the train she turned back.

She met Neville back in the compartment who hadn't found his toad yet either.

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