The Necklace

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(A few days into the school year September 8th tuesday)

Sky sits in her room brushing her hair to get ready for the day when a owl pecks at the window beside her. She gets up and opens the window smiling at the bird she was familiar with. It was Fred's bird he had bought a few months back. Though he clams its basically their bird since it see's her so often.

'Dear Princess,

I'm counting down the days till Christmas break when I can see you only 102 left, But if you take me up on that date I could meet you at the three broomsticks this Saturday? Anyways, hope you have a great day. Tell Snape I said Hi.

Love, Your Favorite Weasley'

Sky giggles as she grabs out a peice of Parchment paper to write him back.

'Dear Fred

I can't wait to see you either at Christmas Break. I hope business is doing well. Sorry but no on the date. Not that I don't want to see you, just that my dad would go berserk like I've said before.

Sincerely Skylar,

Sky sends the letter off with the owl before getting up from her chair putting her yellow and black headband on before heading out of her dorm

Sky walks to class with her books in hand. The crowded halls made it a bit difficult to walk to potions but luckily since she was in the dungeons already she got to potions quicker than most

"Welcome to your very first potions class of the year" Professor Slughorn exclaims begining his introduction. Sky sits stands next to Hermione as she listens. She looks at the potions in front of her and knows them imedently

The first one was the drought of living death, one of her fathers personal favorites to make her practice with. She had been making it since she was 10 and knew it by heart. Her father always let her lend his old text book. He had so many scribbles and corrections in that book she wondered what happened to that book secretly. She could only faintly remember it. The last time she had it was when she was 11 years old. After that she had it so memorized he decided to put the book away.

The second potion was amortia, the most powerful love potion in the world she had heard Slughorn over talking about it. She was only truly guessing on this part since the lip was on the cauldron and she would have to smell it and see it before knowing truly, she knew it probably smelt as if always did to her. Like home, the smell of Parchment and Ink that her father and her would go over as he corrected paperwork, and the smell of lemon drops Dumbledore would always give her on her birthday.

Normally it's said that before you fall in love you can only smell two things. After you fall in love you can smell four or sometimes even Five. But the first things you could smell before would no longer be there.

All of a sudden Harry and Ron both enter the room abruptly making everyone's attention focus on them, including Slughorn's

"Harry my boy, Good to see you could join us, I see you've brought a friend" Slughorn points out. Sky looks at her two friends tempted to giggle at their embarrassed looks knowing if she was in that situation she would be just as if not more embarrassed as them, but she shoves it down and only smiles slightly.

"Ronald Weasley Sir" Ron introduces himself. Slughorn nods slightly

"Well then join us please, and pull your books out" He says but Harry stops him before he could continue his lesson.

"We don't have our books yet Professor" Harry exclaims.

"Don't worry just grab a spare in that cupboard" The Professor motions then going on with the lesson.

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