The Second Task

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Harry and Sky stand on the bridge looking out to the hogwarts grounds. Sky forgave Ron for what he said right after she seen him again. Hermione was still a bit bitter about it but she soon forgave him to and the four were all back to being friendly which Sky was glad for.

"Have you figured the egg out yet?" Sky asks Harry he shakes his head no.

"Well, don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure it out, the contest is tomorrow, but that doesn't mean you don't have time to think about it." Sky tells him trying to be optimistic, though in a time like this it seemed to hard, but not impossible.

"Potter!" Someone calls, Sky and Harry look over to see Cedric walking over to them.

"Cedric" Harry acknowledges the older student.

"H-how are you?" Cedric asks Harry as Sky just watched the two's interaction from about a foot away. It took a few seconds for Harry to answer Cedric

"Spectacular" Harry says a bit confused at why the Hufflepuff was talking to him. Cedric looked down a bit then back at the chosen on

"Look, I realized I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about the dragons" Cedric states. Sky honestly felt as if she was an audience watching this slightly awkward interaction between the two. There was a clear tension between the two seeing that Harry had a crush on Cho

"Forget about it, I'm sure you would have done the same for me" Harry says about to walk off when Cedric stops him

"Exactly-" Cedric exclaims then leaning in a bit to tell Harry sometime a bit quieter than he was "you know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor, it's not a bad place for a bath" Cedric says with a small smile before backing up a bit.

"Go take your egg and maul things over in the water" Cedric adds before running off.

Sky sat their a bit confused just as Harry.

"I'm going for a bath I guess" Harry tells Sky who nods a bit still slightly confused at the interaction but at the same time not, which made her even more confused.

Sky then walked back to the Castle before bumping into Lee, Fred and George's best friend. Skylar knew him a bit from occasionally talking to him in the Great Hall with the twins or passing by him in the hallways.

"Hey, Sky. Have you seen Fred?" Lee asks the girl. Sky shakes her head no.

"Sorry, no I haven't, wait. He didn't do anything dangerous did he?" Sky asks now a bit worried but Lee shakes his head.

"No, no. Fred just broke up with Angelina and we'll everyone is now very confused at why" Lee states.

"Oh, that's weird I thought they were having a great time at the ball a few weeks ago" Sky says a bit confused now too

"Yeah. Everything was going great until the bloke just Broke up with her out of no where saying he didn't feel the same about her as he used to. I heard a rumor he likes another girl, it's honestly the only reason I could think of two seeing that they had been fine up until now" Lee tells Sky who nods a bit wondering who the other girl would be.

"Alright, I gotta head, see you later Sky" Lee says before running off as Sky waves to him before heading to Hermione in the Library to study a bit for Harry's second task

"Harry's going to take a bath then he should be back" Sky tells Hermione who nods while reading about the Tournament. The thing about the tournament is thst the tasks aren't always the same and Sky hadn't reas anything about a golden egg for the tournament which made everything that much worse for her trying to do research.

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