The Escape

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"Come on!" Harry whisper yells but Skylar and Hermione stop the boys.

"Wait" Hermione exclaims as the two girls walk up to the beast. Sky felt as if it was a bad idea but she couldn't let Hermione go alone.

"Professor?" Hermione questions to see if the man was still able to know who he was.

"Professor Lupin" Sky states before the wolf like creature howled at the two making Sky and Hermione wapk back a bit but Skylar stepped on a bit of uneven ground and twisted her ankle bad making Hermione grab the girl before she could fall to the ground seeing that Harry was keeping Ron up and was having a hard enough time with that.

Sky kept herself composed though she was in a tremendous amount of pain she wasn't sure if it was just a twisted ankle or a broken on but she knew that she couldn't put any presser on it.

Before the werewolf could attack Professor Snape come out from the tree in anger.

"There you are Potter-" he begins before seeing the werewolf heading for the kids. Snape quickly goes in front of the students protecting them before himself when Sirius in dog form jumps and tackles the werewolf to the ground

The two dog like creatures fight each other but Remus in his werewolf form throws Sirius to the ground making him yelp in pain and then transition back into his human form before falling down the hill

The werewolf was getting ready to attack again when there was a sudden howl that made him stop in his tracks. Another howl came out of no where and the Werewolf ran off towards the howl quickly.

Harry then ran off to where Sirius had fallen before anyone could stop him.

Snape though (slightly) worried about Harry seen how much pain Sky was in and Ron.

He grabbed Sky's arm helping her on her way to the Castle but she stopped him.

"Where are we going? Harry-" Sky begins but is cut off by her father

"To the Infirmary, I will send someone to get Potter" Snape tells his daughter and her friends

"But Dad, Harry is out there with dementors and a werewolf! We- I can't just sit in the infirmary while Harry is in danger he's my friend" Sky protest.

Hermione and Ron stood there not willing to say anything to Snape seeing that it could end them in detention for the rest of the year, which was only two weeks but it was still enough to make anyone be quiet.

"Skylar, you are hurt, I will not alow you to risk putting yourself in anymore danger than you already are in" her father tells her

"I don't care! Harry could die out there in the tome it takes to get to the Caslte please dad!" She exclaims in an almost begging way. Her father groans slightly before giving in

"I will find him but you must head to the Caslte now. And that is not a discussion" Skylar's father adds before Sky could say anything else.

Sky nods and Hermione helps her and Ron up to the Castle and to the Infirmary. Soon enough Harry is brought to the Infirmary passed out. Snape didn't explain much other than that Sirius was going to be given the Dementors kiss soon.

Hermione goes over to Harry seeing that Sky and Ron were unable too because they were on the other side of the room both with injuries.

"Harry" Hermione tries to wake the boy up and he opens his eyes slowly

"I saw my dad" was the first thing out of Harry's mouth which confused everyone

"What?" Hermione questions not fully understanding what he meant.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang