Hermione's Plan

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(November 16th)

Sky sits right in the middle of Harry and Hermione at Slughorn's dinner party, people started to talk about themselves when Slughorn asks and after asking what Hermione's parent's did Slughorn turns to Sky.

"So Skylar, We all know your father is Professor Snape, How was it growing up in Hogwarts?" He questions all the students turn to Sky waiting for her answer.

"Well when he adopted me he was a teacher so it's all I really know. All of the staff would teach me some of the lessons they had for their students on the weekends and such. But I've always enjoyed potions the most because My dad's been teaching me the art of potions since I can remember." Sky answers with a small smile.

"I can't imagine Snape reading a bedtime story" Cormac McLaggen jokes making other's at the tables laugh too.

"Well he didn't really read the normal bedtime stories to me like Beatle and Bard or any of the muggle fairy-tales since he always claimed they had unrealistic standers, So he normally read history books, school books or potion books from the Library. I actually would sneak down to the library a lot just to read some of the fantasy books he hated so much. I enjoyed them a lot more than he did." Sky smiles at the memories.

"I see we have a rebel in our presents then" Slughorn laughs, right then the door opens revealing Ginny whose eyes looked as if she was crying a few moments ago.

"Look at her eyes, she and Dean have been fighting again" Hermione whispers to Sky and Harry.

"Sorry, I'm not usually late" Ginny says a bit emarrased Harry then stands up out of no where making everyone look at him confused.

"No matter, just in time for dessert" Slughorn remarks as Ginny and Harry then Sit down. "That is if Bellbe's left you any" Slughorn adds laughing at his own joke.

Sky and Hermione both look at Harry with knowing expressions on their faces. "What?" Harry asks the two Sky shrugs.

"Nothing" Hermione adds before looking over to McLaggen makes an odd expression to Hermione. She quickly looks down to her ice-cream.

Sky and Hermione walk back from the Dinner party seeing that Harry had decided to stay behind a bit longer

"So, how is Fred doing?" Hermione asks, Sky smiles

"Good, he's been owling me almost every day, I'm not sure how he's getting any work done around the Joke shop to be honest" Sky says with a small laugh.

"You know this whole you ignoring the fact that Fred is madly in love with you and trying to stuff your own feelings down just for the sake of your father is getting quite tiresome, your dad will never like Fred or anyone who sees you in a romantic way, he's just going to have to move on with the fact that your growing up. That means you have to stop doing what he wants all the time and start doing what you want, and that's coming from me of all people." Hermione exclaims as they walk threw the empty halls of Hogwarts.

Sky sighs "I know Fred likes me, But I've never had a boyfriend before how do I know I'm not going to mess it up somehow? My dad isn't the only thing stopping me from saying yes like you and Ginny said, you were right about it all, I'm afriad of saying yes because I really like him, and I know that sounds crazy but-" Sky stops not knowing . Hermione stops dead in her tracks and looks at Sky.

"Once Cedric died it felt like the end of the world. Fred was there for me, then Sirius died and Fred was their for me. When Dumbledore's Army got caught Fred snuck out of the Gryffindor common room to see me. Every day Fred Writes to me, he sends me gifts, he asks me laugh when I want to cry, he makes me feel like I'm the most extraordinary person in the world. No matter how much my dad made his life a living hell Fred never stopped trying to figure out the next way he would ask me out. I'm afraid we're just-" Sky searches for the answer she can't find.

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