A Turn for the Worse

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(A few days later) September 27th

Since the argument from McGonagall and Umbridge, Professor Umbridge was appointed high inquisitor of Hogwarts, which made everything that much worse.

She began to come to each classroom during class to make sure the teachers were 'the right material for the job' meaning that the professors could no longer teach real magic.

The longer she was their the more rules she put out, and the more students she punished.

Skylar sat in potions class as her father was being reviewed.

"You applied first for the defensive against the Dark arts post is that correct?" Umbridge asks in her usual annoyingly high pitched voice as she walked around Snape.

"Yes" Snape answered in a monotone voice with a straight face.

"But you were unsuccessful?" Umbridge questions, she was clearly just rubbing it in by now.

"Obviously" Snape says after pausing for a few seconds making Ron shuffle a laugh as he looked down at his book. If Skylar was being honest it was a bit funny how her father answered Umbridge, though she didn't say or make a sound in the quiet room.

Umbridge checks a list as she then walks out of the classroom.

Snape uses a peice of paper he had rolled up to smack Ron over the head with, this made Sky jump a little in her seat.

Once class was finished Skylar, Hermione, Ron, and Harry all walked out to of the classroom and up the stairs to their next class as a bunch of people seemd to be walking out to the great Lawn

"Cho!" Harry gets the girls attention as the five then walk with the rest of the crowd out to see what the commotion was about. "What's going on?" Harry questions her.

"It's Professor Trewlony" Cho answers simply making Sky look over and quickly get out to the great Lawn. Professor Trewlony was like family to her. Sky hoped nothing was wrong

As Sky walked out to see Professor Trawlony standing their in the middle of the place with filtch bringing her, her luggage, Sky could only assume the worse had happened.

Trewalony stood their sobbing a Umbridge walked up to her.

"S-sixteen years I-I've taught here. H-Hogwarts is m-my home, P-please you can't so this" Trewlony Beggs the woman who had a evil smile as she held up a paper.

"Acutally, I can" Umbridge states in a passive aggressive manner making the now ex-professor sob even more.

McGonagall walked threw the crowds of students as she then ran up to Trewlony.

"Oh, it's ok" McGonagall tries to comfort the woman

"Something you'd like to say dear?" Umbridge asks with a smile.

McGonagall looks at Umbridge with a glare "Oh there are several things I would like to say" McGonagall answers before lookign back to Trewalony.

The doors to the castle then open up revealing Dumbledore as all the students clear out of his way to get to the three Professors.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Syble back inside" Dumbledore says, this makes Skylar smile slightly as she was relieved that one of the people who basically raised her wouldn't be leaving.

Trewalony walks over to Dumbledore thanking him before McGonagall brings her inside the caslte.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of educational degree twenty-three as informed by the minister-" Umbridge beings but is interrupted by Professor Dumbledore.

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