The Department of Mysteries

669 8 5

(January 16th Thursday)

Sky tries to think about a happy memory for the Patronus charm though she isn't able to find one good enough.

She tried a memory with her father making potions, in the kitchens baking with McGonagall, reading with Dumbledore, and even Christmas at Hogwarts yet nothing seemed to be working.

A few people had been able to get it down quicker than others though it did take a few practices.

"Try thinking of the time you were the happiest!" Harry tells everyone as he goes around correcting people on their stances and wand movements

Skylar then decides to look around at everyone else's progress. Her eyes then land on Fred who was working on his charm a few feet away

"Expecto Patronum!" He says once more before silver whisps come out of the wand forming a beautiful bird. Magpie to be exact.

As Sky was admiring the bird it seemed go fly over to her and fly around her in specific making her giggle as it perched on her head.

She looks over to Fred who was smiling right back at her.

Though before anything could be said between the two a thump of a sorts shakes the room making Fred's patronus disappear.

Everyone turns to the wall where the loud thumps are coming from and Fred walks over in front of Sky shielding her from the wall as you could see cracks begin to form on the glass. Sky peaks out from behind Fred to see what was going on

The glass soon shatters leaving a hole in the bricks. Fred grabs his wand out and uses his other arm to push Skylar behind him once more.

Nigel and Harry walk over to the wall and looks at the hole before running back as Umbridge sent a spell at the wall making it explode.

Once the rubble settles Umbridge was seen with a group of Slytherin students and filtch behind her with smirks as Draco yanks Cho into veiw

"Get them" Umbridge exclaims.

Fred made sure to keep Sky close to him so Umbridge wouldn't take her along with Harry.

They were ordered back to their dormitories imedently and given detention in the Great Hall tomorrow

Sky sat on the couch of the Hufflepuff common room alone, terrified of what would happen to Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione, Ron and everyone else involved.

On the verge of tears someone entered the common room. She quickly looked up to see Fred walking around and looking at the common room

"You know it's odd how Hufflepuffs don't have a common room password" Fred states looking around the room

Sky gets up from the couch and walks over to Fred "Fred, you can't be here if Umbridge finds out-" Sky begins but Fred cuts her off.

"Which she won't, and even if she did I'd hex her so hard she won't remember" Fred exclaims with a wink. Sky laughs a bit before getting quiet and tears forming at her eyes again

Sky then turns around to go to the couch.

"This is all my fault, I mean I was the one who got you and Fred into this mess afterall. If I wasn't so stupid I could have stopped all of this from happening. Im a horribe friend" Sky tells Fred as tears fall from her eyes while sitting down at the couch.

"Hey, no don't say that about yourself. Your not stupid, far from it actually, brightest witch of her age if I heard correctly from McGonagall. And your a great Friend, tell me who else can say they befriended a Azkaban escapey at thirteen because they actually took the time to do what the ministry can't. Listen and open your eyes. I'll tell you no one can. You know why because no one is a more caring person and a better friend than you, Sky" Fred explains sitting next to Sky as she sniffles slightly

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now